Nice Bird Dogger. I never had a Mosin, well a carbine model I sold and never shot. I do own several SKSs. Yeah, trigger is horrible, but they are fun to shoot and simple as heck.
I bought my first one many years ago. Brand new Chinese mil surp. Paid $79.00. I think a case of ammo cost about the same.
If only I had been able to buy more. I was a very poor college student and was too broke to be able to snatch up still reasonably priced rifles like Garands, M1 carbines, Enfields and such.
. you have had that crate for some time I would say,, theres not a hex receiver in there is there?
Glad you got a kick out of those pics! I had found a deal on these crates 5-10 yrs ago and three of us bought 2 crates just to say we’ve done it. One person gave hers away as gifts to clients (they were thrilled), and my buddy and I split the second crate shown in the pics. We bought about 4 crates of
Ammo to go with them. Our gun dealer thought we were nuts but was happy to give us a break on the transfer charges.
Skeets, yes there were a duke’s mixture of hex’s (5 or 6), Tulas, Ishapores, etc. High wall & low wall receivers, converted Dragoons, and a couple of ex snipers as evidenced by the filled scope mounting holes that you could see from inside the action. If only these rifles could talk. This dealer was re locating at the time and needed these crates sold. Sold unopened and sight unseen, rifles, spike Bayonets, and all the pouches and extras laying in the bottom of the crate. Twenty rifles per crate.
We divided them up as evenly as we could between us but have so far left them in the original armory crate. If I remember right, with shipping the price per rifle was under $70. Not bad considering just today at a gun show here I found a few for $400 on up. The nicer ones, especially the hex rcvrs, were pushing $500and more for some rare ones. Not a bad return on investment over a few years. But the look on friends faces when you tell them we’re going rabbit hunting…..choose your weapon. Priceless!