I was wondering if I could get some of you fine gents to help me find some parts I need for my truck, which I'm having a hard time locating here on in Richmond. I have a 1988 Chevy 3500 one ton truck and I need the steering knuckles for the front axle. I learned a lesson in life from the Institute of Hard Knocks again and that class I got my degree in was "dont wait to long for a front end alignment"
Now that I have a 24 year old truck some parts are getting hard to come by especially the steering knuckles. I'm kinda in a a rush to get them because I'm tired of having to turn down landscaping work due to the fact I have no way to haul the equipment! I was hoping that some of you fellas would keep your eyes and ears open to junk yards in your areas that may have the parts I need
Now that I have a 24 year old truck some parts are getting hard to come by especially the steering knuckles. I'm kinda in a a rush to get them because I'm tired of having to turn down landscaping work due to the fact I have no way to haul the equipment! I was hoping that some of you fellas would keep your eyes and ears open to junk yards in your areas that may have the parts I need