B2410 Jerky steering


Active member

Kubota 2410, RC60-24B, FL1000- kubota hydrolic front snow blade- plug aerator
Sep 10, 2009
Rising Sun, MD
I have a 2410 HSD 4 wheel drive that I bought new and it currently has 854 hours on it. I take very good care of "Bubba" and perform routine maintenance on or before the scheduled services. My tractor looks a good as new....

Here's the issue. The power steerring is jerky after the tractor has been working (mostly mowing with the RC 60-24B belly mower) for an hour or so. The problem, or perceived problem, is not real bad it is just that I can feel it when I spin the steering wheel with the palm of my hand.

Just to note... I mow in 2 wheel drive at full throttle. Any ideas on what it might be causing this and what do you think the remedy would be.

Thanks in advance!

Butch Taylor


Active member

Kubota 2410, RC60-24B, FL1000- kubota hydrolic front snow blade- plug aerator
Sep 10, 2009
Rising Sun, MD
Come on Guys.... any suggestions on the jerky steering issue? It is not super bad... just not perfect as it should be.


Well-known member

BX24, A1000 Kubota Generator
May 27, 2009
Hardisty, Alberta
Yes, I know what is wrong with your b2410!
The power steering return line returns into the suction line to your hydraulic pump. after you run your tractor fast for a considerably long time it sucks air from the steering box and cause the jerky steering. If you go to a kubota dealer get them to look up the bulletin on a B2710. You need to plug that hose into the hydraulic supply line and make a drain hose to drain the steering into the transmission. I drill and tap a fitting into the thin metal cover on the transmission under the seat in front of the three point hitch assembly and plumb the drain in there. I can hardly believe kubota hasn't fixed this yet especially when they knew about it way back on the 2710! I guess most customers must just ignore it because we don't have to fix many.
Ed Service


Active member

Kubota 2410, RC60-24B, FL1000- kubota hydrolic front snow blade- plug aerator
Sep 10, 2009
Rising Sun, MD
Thank you VERY much for your knowledable response. Most likely I will do the work myself. I have a service manual on order to read up on the workings. Thanks again! Butch


Active member

Kubota 2410, RC60-24B, FL1000- kubota hydrolic front snow blade- plug aerator
Sep 10, 2009
Rising Sun, MD

I took the suggestions from the forum and contacted Kubota on my B2410 steering issues. You best be sitting down when I tell you this one!

I sent an inquery the Kubota Corrporate (North America in Torrence CA) on a WSunday evening with a complete description of the steering issue. BY 10 AM EDT the NEXT day I gota a call from them.

They acknowledged the steering issue and said there was a kit available that rerouted the stering oil return line away from the suction line straight to the transmission cap. I was directed to the district Kubota factory representative in Atlanta who got back to me the following day (now less than 48 hours of my initilal email query to Kubota) that took down all my tractor info, dealer's name, and contact information.

The kit was sent to my dealer and I picked it up free of charge. I installed it myself as it came with very detailed instructions.

GREAT SERVICE from a company regarding a 9 year old tractor with almost 1000 hours of service.

The best part of all... the solution began on Orange tractor talks!

Thanks all! Butch


New member

B7610HST 4WD, LA352 FEL, Gearmore 2 Spool Top & Tilt Box Scraper
Jan 27, 2010
Phelan, California
Dang, what a Cinderella Story! First with the dead on tip from Ed and topped off with above excellent customer support from Kubota! Sure makes me glad I bought an Orange one for when my day comes.



New member
Mar 18, 2010
My B2910 and my Dad's B2710 do the exact same thing. The pump cavitates after about 2 hours of high rpm mowing. I talked to my dealer about getting a hold of this retrofit kit, at he looked at me like I was from Mars. I suggested he call Kubota, and he just flat ignored me an walked away. I really wanted to throttle him on the spot. I'm going to try another dealer.


Active member

Kubota 2410, RC60-24B, FL1000- kubota hydrolic front snow blade- plug aerator
Sep 10, 2009
Rising Sun, MD
Dear SABLT... I got a better idea!:D

Do what I did and go up on the Kubota corporate site and leave a very nice email outlining your issue and cite the OTT forum where you learned of the fix.
When I asked for assistance I got a call from Kubota corporate in less than 14 hours.... no kidding! Don't feel bad... my dealer was clueless at first until he got a call from Kubota in Atlanta (Eastern Region something) telling him to order it for me and HIM to install it (I was to pay for the install only). My dealer worked with me and allowed me to install it... only took a couple of hours and the steering is 10000+ times better.

The way to check if your tractors are affected is to follow the return line off the steering pump to see if it goes almost straight down to the metal return line i.e. the suction line. If so... the retro kit plugs off that metal line with a hose stub and routes it under the tractor to the top of the tranny cover where they supply a new cover with a threaded fitting for the newly rerouted PS return.
The only thing the retro kit did not have was the gray RTV gasket sealant for the now cover...

Problem solved!:D



Active member

Kubota 2410, RC60-24B, FL1000- kubota hydrolic front snow blade- plug aerator
Sep 10, 2009
Rising Sun, MD
SABLT... one more thing... Kubota will make you go through the dealer you bought the tractor from.... so try not to PO them....:p


Active member

Kubota 2410, RC60-24B, FL1000- kubota hydrolic front snow blade- plug aerator
Sep 10, 2009
Rising Sun, MD
I could not find the retrofit part number besides the 2410 may not fit your 27 and 2910.... but I am pretty sure it will. With that being said I have something BETTER:D!

The two Kubota people that knew EXACTLY what I was talking about AND facilitated me getting the part through the dealer and they are:

Aubrey Epperson and Dennis Hood

I am not sure but either Dennis works for Aubrey or Aubrey directed me to Dennis because he is responsible for our Eastern Region (He knew my dealer by first name)... don't know but here is how you contact them.

They both work for Mr. Richard Brown Kubota Divisional Service Manager. Richard's address is

Kubota Corp
1025 Northbrook Parkway
Suwnee, GA 30024

I am SURE you can track down Dennis and Aubrey through Richard's office as that is who I sent the accommodation letter to on their behalf for the great service I got...

Good luck! And let us know how you make out.... Butch


New member

B7610HST 4WD, LA352 FEL, Gearmore 2 Spool Top & Tilt Box Scraper
Jan 27, 2010
Phelan, California
SABLT... one more thing... Kubota will make you go through the dealer you bought the tractor from.... so try not to PO them....:p
Oh man! Butch that's great advice and SBLT it's a good thing you didn't throttle that guys neck :D



Active member

Kubota 2410, RC60-24B, FL1000- kubota hydrolic front snow blade- plug aerator
Sep 10, 2009
Rising Sun, MD
I just have to tell you that my B2410 stearing has NEVER been this good since the retrofit..... Butch:D:D


New member
Jul 28, 2010
I have exactly the same problem with my B2410. I’ve been totally disappointed with it for the past 4-5 years because of the steering after 1.5 hours of mowing. I just stumbled onto this site today while searching for hydro fluid that might be able to handle higher heat. Man I hope this is my problem as well, the symptoms are exactly like mine.

I sent you an e-mail and PM with more detail.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
I have a parts manual in .pdf format for my B2410. I just found the power steering line kit at the bottom left side of the menu under “Power Steering Hose Kit [Option]”

It’s part number 6C150-99600 and looks rather pricey at $153. according to one online parts house.

010 6C150-99600 KIT P/S HOSE 1
020 6C150-39310 PIPE 1
030 6C150-99610 COVER UPPER 1
040 RP421-61740 JOINT 1
050 04811-00110 O RING 1
050 04816-00110 O RING 1
060 6C150-99620 HOSE 1
070 05122-51030 PIN JOINT 1
080 6C050-58750 CLAMP HOSE 3
090 52200-41160 CLAMP CORD 3
100 35340-29380 CLAMP CORD 1
110 53581-64150 BAND CORD 1
120 01125-60820 BOLT 2
130 02751-50080 NUT FLANGE 2
140 6C150-99630 MANUAL



New member
Jul 28, 2010
Butch apparently had better luck with Kubota furnishing the parts for free than I did so I made my own with parts from TSC. I was not about to pay Kubota to fix their design flaw.

It required a 4-foot 3/8 hydraulic line cut off on one end to slide onto the steering box outlet and clamped. A 90 degree 3/8 fitting and 3/8 extension to get over the plate (see pic). Had to buy a tap for making the threads also.

Originally I did not extend the 90 and ran the hose in front of the dipstick, had to grind a little on the bracket. I didn't like that setup and put the extension in and routed it like the kit does. Much cleaner appearance and no more interference with the plastic front cover. If I had to do over I might just use automotive transmission line similar to the OEM line as it would be smaller outside diameter and would be easier to thread through between the hydro pedal and other lines. The 3/8 hydraulic line I used is nice and rugged and I'll not have to worry about it wearing, but it was tricky to get in place. You must be very careful to secure the line so it will not rub on the hydro pedal and cause it to stick.

After making this mod in August and using it very hard in tall grass I have only had slight loss of power steering after 2-3 hours of extreme use and no loss of power steering in normal mowing use (which is still above average hard use). I am going to do a filter change and switch to UDT instead of SUDT this week. For all practical purposes this is a fix, any hint of steering loss is under abnormally hard use and the loss is maybe 10-20% vs. previous 100%.

The third pic is where the original line from the steering box to the pump inlet is cut, plugged, and secured with the original hose clamps. The new power steering line that now runs from the steering box outlet to under the seat as in pic 2 can be seen (the one that says MAX) just behind the hose clamps. The 90 degree fitting has about 1/4 inch clearance between itself and the hydraulic bleed adjuster, the pic is deceptive and makes it look like it's touching.

A side note:
I'm not too happy Kubota refused to send me the kit for free considering it is a design flaw. Doesn't give one a good feeling about recommending Kubota to others after we have suffered with this problem they knew about and haven't recalled or helped out with. I had discovered this thread in July and taken off all the parts needed for inspection and access and the day after I first posted here (July 29th) I had a heart attack and wound up in ER. A few days later (after heart catheterization and stents in the arteries) I was home with a tractor apart and grass 12+ inches tall. I explained my condition to Kubota and requested the kit free of charge, they refused. I was hobbling around my garage with the wound in my femoral artery and dealing with that pain and 94 degree heat to fix the machine I had already taken apart. Would have been far less painful if Kubota had supplied the parts. I talked with Dennis Hood on the phone about this, though he was personable he still had the corporate can't help with parts attitude. Considering my condition at that time I find it unbelievable Kubota refused the parts. After seeing that I could never recommend Kubota to anyone in the future. I refuse to support companies who hide their problems and hope they go away.



Active member

Kubota 2410, RC60-24B, FL1000- kubota hydrolic front snow blade- plug aerator
Sep 10, 2009
Rising Sun, MD
Nice job! I too am glad you got her fixed! Have a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
Nice job! I too am glad you got her fixed! Have a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving.
Thanks for the T-Day wishes and same to you and eserv, I would never have figured out what the problem was without this thread. I had started to dread every time I needed to mow because of that steering, it was mainly a problem while mowing, loader work and box blading never put it over the edge. After the events of July this Thanksgiving will be something to enjoy and reflect on as I could just as easily not be here.

Looking at my pics I can see I have some cleaning to do, thought it was pretty clean until I looked at the pics. For what it’s worth Rustoleum Professional Industrial Gray does not match Kubota gray. I had some Rustoleum laying around and used it to touch up where I had ground on the bracket. You can see the difference in the pics. Guess I’ll have to buy some Kubota gray to make it look right
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