I went to visit my friend a while back and he was standing outside the back yard with his pellet gun. It's a 1960's CO2 powered Crosman. It holds a charge for years after a $12 rebuild kit in the 1990's at some point. Anyway I could see the frustration on his face. He's got a squirrel that gets into everything, the trailer wiring, race car, everything. Of course if there's any squirrel nearby now, he's paranoid thinking it's the one that's eating wires. So he's looking up a tree and there sits in the crotch of a couple limbs a big old fox squirrel. I pointed it out, he aims and shoots. Miss. Darn squirrel went to barking at him. Guy said he keeps shooting and missing and every single time the squirrel starts laughing at him.
The gray squirrels are outnumbering the fox squirrels 5:1 now. 20 years ago you rarely saw a gray. Now you rarely see a fox and NEVER see a black squirrel. I used to live in Iowa and the blacks were everywhere. Maybe they like the more temperate climate or maybe they don't tolerate the heat here, dunno.
Couple weeks ago I was fishing at the local lake, which is about 50,000 acres in size. Sprawled out between the hills. Anyway, I was sitting over a brush pile more or less in the middle of nowhere. That part is 2.62 miles from the ramp and about 2 1/2 to land on 3 sides, and about 500 yards to the bank over on the one side. Well I see something swimming across the water, gets closer and it was a fox squirrel. I didn't know they could swim, but apparently they're VERY good swimmers. I was impressed. I didn't know deer could swim very well either but they sure can. Seen one crossing the creek in that same general part of the lake last fall. From a distance it looked like a pile of brush floating across the water until I got closer, then realized it was a big buck.