Blue to the rescue


Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
I guess this should be in a what not to do thread but I figured I would go ahead and share my bad day with everybody. I didn't do any damage to anything but my pride so I guess it's all good. Thank goodness for kind nieghbors with a big tractor to come help me out of a jam.



New member

B7001 - looks orange to me... Woods 5' scrape, 42" rotary cutter, shreader/chip.
Feb 11, 2011
Varnell,GA - USA
10+" of rain in 24 hours will do that to you!
Glad it worked out.

Eric McCarthy

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Lifetime Member

Kubota B6100E
Dec 21, 2009
Richmond Va
Beggers cant be choosers when it comes to bailing your ass out of a tight spot like that! I could care less if the tractor is hot pink, as long as it gets me out LOL. GLAD you got the Bota out Bulldawg and damn glad to see your able to post about it! That close to the pond and you could be swimming...


New member

L35, mower, bushhog, cement mixer, grader, boxblade, forks, posthole digger
Mar 31, 2009
Ft. Worth, TX
Reminds me of the time I stuck my new 4 wheel drive out in the middle of nowhere. Thank God a guy with an old Scout came along and got my ass out. Since then, I never look down my nose at what somebody is driving. By the way, you can send all the excess rain you are getting our way. My wife's home town a little over 2 hours west of here has only had 2.44" of rain since 1/1/11. Here at our place, I've only mowed the grass once this year. Glad you got a good neighbor to help you out. You'll probably get a chance to return the favor sometime.


Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
Beggers cant be choosers when it comes to bailing your ass out of a tight spot like that! I could care less if the tractor is hot pink, as long as it gets me out LOL. GLAD you got the Bota out Bulldawg and damn glad to see your able to post about it! That close to the pond and you could be swimming...
I'm really like you Eric, I didn't care what color it was just glad he was able to help me. When the tractor first sunk down I stopped instead of digging in deeper. It was only about 5 or 6 inches down and you can see how deep it had got by the time the rescue squad made it. It had sunk so deep I had a hell of a time getting my fat butt back in the cab to drive it out. Thank goodness for 4wd though.


Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
Some day you'll have a change to pay back the good deed.
It's funny you say that. I had just spent the last 2 weeks on that Ford packing silage for them on their dairy farm. It's nice to have friends that you can count on in times of need. It's kind of a back and forth thing for us. I help them when they need it and they do the same for me.


Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
I noticed the tires did not have any mud on the top of them. Very smart.
It went down that deep just sitting there. I hate to think of what would have happened if I had spun any. The only thing I did after it set down was put it in 4wd and tried to inch forward. When I did it slid toward the water and did the same trying to back out so I just stopped and put the call in for help. It was only down about 6 inches when I stopped and it only to my buddy about 30 minutes to get to me and you see how deep it was in that short ammount of time. I was really starting to get worried. That big ford was a very welcome site to see. It didn't hardly take anything to get me on hard ground and I probably could have done it with my little tractor but I was afraid to try it. I figured if I tried that and it didn't work that I would really be in trouble. Since my luck was already on the bad side of the fence I didn't want to push the issue. My dozer would have been real handy about then but it's down right now with a bad bearing in one of the front idlers. Like I said, my luck is on the wrong side of the fence right now. Looking back though it could have turned out much worse than it did. :D


New member

Kubota Mx4700 4w/FEL, Modern Ag cutter,Dirt dog Box blade and Rake, Custom forks
Mar 19, 2011
greenwood, SC
Yup, that's a pucker up moment for me:p . She was slideing for sure into that pond, good thing it did not take longer to get help, could have ended up over on it's side. And it's only a bad day if you break something :rolleyes: