Success! Ok, after finally solving the starter issue, and "jimmy-ing" up the wiring I finally got to start the tractor today.
Initial problem was air in the fuel lines at the injectors. Not a huge deal, and it was solved easily. When it finally started there was an awful lot of smoke involved from the exhaust. I didn't give it much thought as it was the first time being started after being torn to pieces. However, after turning it off and letting it sit for a while, and then restarting it blew smoke again. White smoke to be specific. It only does it at start up and then subsides right away. Anyone think its an issue?
Other than that I have to say im pleased with its performance. Set straight out and graded the lane-way. Apparently it takes practice. So glad i replaced the governor and starter springs. It idles much better now. Prior to replacement it would pretty much stall if I wasn't on the throttle.
Only things left are the cab, resetting the decompression cable, wiring new headlights (luckily I have aux cab lights), and in the spring a complete rewire, and rattle can paint job.
Thanks to everyone who helped with suggestions and tips.