Filthy tractors versus clean ones


Lifetime Member

Feb 13, 2019
Extra Strength Q-Tips work good to clean between the the tire treads



L4701 with FEL, BH92 backhoe
Oct 5, 2010
Wallis, Texas
The cleanliness of a machine reflects the personality of the owner. One extreme is someone who never/seldom gets the tractor clean and then the other is one who is OCD about it, and puts others down because they don't meet their standards.

The one doing, or not doing, the cleaning is the owner, so the results are a reflection of that persons personality. The ones who do not clean/wash their machine is not concerned about trade in value, or they'd be doing something different.

It is interesting that one who is obsessive about cleaning their machine brings up the discussion. Never someone who does not clean their machine. Perhaps the obsessive one wants to find others with like habits? It's apparently very important to them, and they often come off with an elitist attitude.
That is a very generalized assumption. Lack of washing doesn't necessarily mean lack of maintenance. I service all my equipment at or usually even before the recommended schedule and do daily checks of everything. Yes, I will clean up the area that I'm working on to keep dirt from getting into places it shouldn't get. I also believe in following the recommended break in procedure of equipment. While it is true you may find an issue while doing cleaning, a through check over before use would probably bring any issues to light also. I also have never seen a difference offered for trade if the machine is clean or dirty, within reason. What I mean is, long as the dirt is just from use, the offer is the same. In fact, I have been told by salesmen before that it doesn't matter because the dealership will go over the machine before putting it on the market anyway. Now if I'm listing for sale myself, I have cleaned up machines for the curb appeal. As a buyer, if you know much about mechanical systems, you can tell if a machine has been maintained. Leaks and wear are another matter.



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
The one exception at least in my perspective is, if I buy a used hay tool, like say a square baler (and I have before), I look to see if it's clean or has some residual hay inside. I won't buy a used machine if it's clean but I will buy one (and have) if I see hay under the shields. Bought my 575 high capacity square baler exactly that way because the cost of a new one versus the cost of a used one eliminated the new one from the equation. Why pay 40K when you can get a comparable one used for 30. Nothing to really wear out on a square baler except the knives and those are replaceable. Knotters get out of wack ocassionally but that is usually a timing issue.

First thing I did was look under the shields to see if there was any residual hay inside. One was clean and the next one had hay and I bought that one.

As a rule I never wash hay tools, just blow them off with compressed air.

Not so with tractors. They get a bath regularly.


Jul 13, 2018
Somewhere in the middle is probably the right answer. The OP sounds a bit OCD challenged, whether he realizes it or not

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Creature Meadow

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2012 L4600, Disk, Brush Hog, GB60 Garden Bedder, GSS72 Grading Scraper
Sep 19, 2016
Central North Carolina
I like to keep my tractor clean just like anything else from my truck to the house little time here and there and each time is easier. A good coat of wax on the tractor, mower, truck, etc. makes the job even easier.

Good example in pics below of how my tractor looked when I bought it only 2 years old. She needed some attention. Good cleaning after I bought it then 4 years later she still looks good. It's a 2012 L4600, it stays under the barn facing south so no sun directly hitting it.

So, I am a little OCD but we make it fun. My daughter loves washing things so we do it together. I do most of the washing and she gets to rinse.

Washed mower, tractor, and Gator last week. After washing she asked could we wax them and put shiny stuff on the tires. Done maybe 3 hours tops to do all 3.




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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
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Creature Meadow, I can see it now. 20 years down the road that woman will bend over and pick a weed out of the drive way on the way to the mail box. Have a vacuum cleaner that gathers the "stuff" in a visible cylinder, and she can get excited about how much lint and dog hair she picked up. And everything has to be in it's place all the time. Not the kind of thing I'd encourage a youngster to think is normal.

Nice to be clean and neat, but there needs to be a measure of control or it becomes out of control.


Jul 13, 2018
I like to keep my tractor clean just like anything else from my truck to the house little time here and there and each time is easier. A good coat of wax on the tractor, mower, truck, etc. makes the job even easier.

Good example in pics below of how my tractor looked when I bought it only 2 years old. She needed some attention. Good cleaning after I bought it then 4 years later she still looks good. It's a 2012 L4600, it stays under the barn facing south so no sun directly hitting it.

So, I am a little OCD but we make it fun. My daughter loves washing things so we do it together. I do most of the washing and she gets to rinse.

Washed mower, tractor, and Gator last week. After washing she asked could we wax them and put shiny stuff on the tires. Done maybe 3 hours tops to do all 3.

Nice job. I don't see any issue at all with teaching your kid like that

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M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
Somewhere in the middle is probably the right answer. The OP sounds a bit OCD challenged, whether he realizes it or not

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Believe me, I'm not in the slightest bit OCD. My wife will attest to

Just don't like grimy, greasy tractors. Never have. Don't wax them or put 'shiny stuff' on the tires but I like them clean, especially underneath. Makes periodic maintenance a lot easier and I don't get greasy and then have to listen to my wife complain about greasy clothes.


Jul 13, 2018
Believe me, I'm not in the slightest bit OCD. My wife will attest to

Just don't like grimy, greasy tractors. Never have. Don't wax them or put 'shiny stuff' on the tires but I like them clean, especially underneath. Makes periodic maintenance a lot easier and I don't get greasy and then have to listen to my wife complain about greasy clothes.
Mmm hmmm

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hope to float

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Feb 18, 2018
The theory in this country is that if something is too clean, then they are trying to hide something.
People here would rather see a couple of honest drips of oil or diesel when buying a machine, especially where you expect to find it.
I will hose down after spreading fertiliser or spraying or anything which might speed corrosion.


New member

Bx2670, FEL, MMM, Woods rotary
Apr 26, 2018
Landenberg, PA
Love getting mine dirty, and love cleaning it up.
I was so in love with my little Bx when I first got it home, that I even waxed it.
Haven't done it since, but someday, I just might.


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BX2660, LA243 FEL, RCK54P-23BX MMM, BX2751 QH Subframe, BX2750D 50" Blower
Mar 27, 2018
Columbia, CT
I picked up my little 2011 BX2660 in April last year with 214 on the clock. The previous owner gave me a box of Oil, HST fluid, Grease AND Mothers Wax and Armor All for shiny tires! The tractor was super clean - He also had it garaged it's whole life before I bought it - did wax it once -no tire shine!


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2012 Kubota L3800 HST W/FEL and 1963 JD 2010 row crop utility
Jan 27, 2013
Southern IL.
I try to keep mine pretty clean but it’s doesn’t upset me if she gets dirty. Personally, I think a tractor is supposed to be a little dirty, not filthy by any means.

I do find it odd that the OP starts a thread about how clean his tractor is. Then poo-poos the idea of waxing. Lol. Someone in here mentioned spray wax years ago and at first I thought that was a bit much for a tractor but I tried it anyway. Now she gets a coat about once a year. It sure makes hosing off dust and debris much easier.

I’d say I lean toward the cleaner side but not anal about it at all. I do see the opposite with my B.I.L. And uncle with their kubotas, mine looks way better and has more hours than both of theirs combined.



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
I try to keep mine pretty clean but it’s doesn’t upset me if she gets dirty. Personally, I think a tractor is supposed to be a little dirty, not filthy by any means.

I do find it odd that the OP starts a thread about how clean his tractor is. Then poo-poos the idea of waxing. Lol. Someone in here mentioned spray wax years ago and at first I thought that was a bit much for a tractor but I tried it anyway. Now she gets a coat about once a year. It sure makes hosing off dust and debris much easier.

I’d say I lean toward the cleaner side but not anal about it at all. I do see the opposite with my B.I.L. And uncle with their kubotas, mine looks way better and has more hours than both of theirs combined.
I'd never use spray wax. It would cause issues with my cab glass. I tend to use compressed air to blow the dust and chaff off and I get lots of that. Just mowed a large field yesterday and first thing I did when I got back was blow out the radiator screens and blow off the tractor and mower. Now, I need to set off the mower and service it. Time for the grease gun and a new set of knives and maybe an oil change in the cutterbar gearbox. Continuing maintenance is paramount to not breaking down in the field. Like all my hay tools, the mower will get blown off with compressed air, no washing. Tractor might get washed but not likely as it will be back out working, tomorrow.


Active member

B7100HST, 1630, 4' Tiller, 4' Brush Hog; Mahindra 5005/Loader, Woods Cadet 84,
Apr 15, 2019
Don't use the spray wax on your glass!:confused: My '95 B7100 was in (is in) such nice condition when I bought it, I feel compelled to keep it looking nice. I have no issue firing up the pressure washer after a muddy adventure and then spraying & wiping the painted surfaces down with no-rinse car wash followed by a quick coat of spray wax. It just makes it that much easier to clean the next time.

On the other side of the argument, I know my grandfather never cleaned his Farmall's, but they were maintained and ran for decades. My uncle just bought a used Steiner this summer to replace the Super A he took from the farm in the late '80's for mowing duty. He replaced the A because it was getting too hard to get up and down, it still operates like a top and it's almost 70 years old. He, like my grandfather, maintained the tractor but no baths. I guess there can be a difference between dirty and neglected?



Sep 22, 2016
Nacogdoches, Texas, USA
I always have good intentions of washing the tractor/mower after each use but to be honest when it is 95 degrees and 85% humidity, I usually just want to go clean myself up. I have a lot of money invested (for me) in my equipment and want it to look good but it is hard sometimes with only so many hours in the day.

Now let's not talk about my little B7100 with only 200 hours on it. I have had it 3 weeks and it has had two baths ;-)