L3800HST 4x4,R1,FEL, 6'disc, 5'bush hog,piranhaTB,6'grader,6'rake, 48"forks
I’d like to improve the stability of my L3800. My machine is primarily dedicated to the hunting camp. I’m growing weary of the rocking while navigating bumpy roads and uneven fields. I’m tryin to figure out the best path forward. I have loaded R1 tires and I think I can swap them to give me a little larger foot print on the rears (see pic). If this is true, will this make a noticeable difference? The other options I’m considering are rear wheel spacers or switching to R4’s. I haven’t done any research on the R4 tires but they look much wider than my current set up. Whatever move I make I do not plan to make any adjustments to the front wheels as I do a good bit of loader work. Thanks in advance.
[/url]Untitled by bambam32, on Flickr[/IMG]