It’s my own fault. Not blaming the tractor whatsoever.
Thought it’d be interesting to remove the FEL for mowing. Raised the FEL and lowered the arms. 2 mistakes. I didn’t have the bucket tilted forward enough so the arms touched the ground before the bucket did and I put the weight of the tractor on the arms to remove the 2 pins. I realized what I had done and quickly corrected the issue.
I wanted to leave the bucket off for now, but I just don’t trust the arms anymore.. One was so bent I couldn’t get it pinned back onto the FEL. No idea on what replacements would cost, but I’ll probably bend them back and have some angle iron welded to them for additional support.
Thought it’d be interesting to remove the FEL for mowing. Raised the FEL and lowered the arms. 2 mistakes. I didn’t have the bucket tilted forward enough so the arms touched the ground before the bucket did and I put the weight of the tractor on the arms to remove the 2 pins. I realized what I had done and quickly corrected the issue.
I wanted to leave the bucket off for now, but I just don’t trust the arms anymore.. One was so bent I couldn’t get it pinned back onto the FEL. No idea on what replacements would cost, but I’ll probably bend them back and have some angle iron welded to them for additional support.