I'm going to mow some brush. I don't want sharp points left. The blades on the brush hog were pre dulled when I bought it. I'll leave them dull for now. What else should I do? Throttling back shifting down? Looking to get broomed ends not cut.
Mow as close as possible unless you will hit stumps, rocks, etc. Short spikes are less damaging than long spikes.I'm going to mow some brush. I don't want sharp points left. The blades on the brush hog were pre dulled when I bought it. I'll leave them dull for now. What else should I do? Throttling back shifting down? Looking to get broomed ends not cut.
Maybe.Not sure on what you need for a finished job. Leaving the brush hog up higher than normal can also work well. Sampling stubs a inch or so in diameter and 8 or 10 inches tall for example will bend over instead of punching holes in tires.