Star Trek story on a Star Wars thread...
In 1992, I happened to be on an overnight in the hotel in Burbank, CA where the Star Trek Convention happened. It was a three day event and we were there for Saturday night when things really got weird.
Burbank is just down the road from Universal Studios where the Star Trek movies were made. Many of the costume people had made "extra" uniforms and many had been sold off following the movies completion. Plus, the same make-up people who did the movies did the make-up for this convention. There was never going to be a better group of Trekkies convened in one place.
Especially "attractive" were roving bands of Klingon warrior "ladies." Some looked like this. Others had skin-tight leather pants on with thigh-high leather boots. For some reason, the upper parts of the costume all had bustiers as a common theme.
There are few better places to people watch than a Trekkie convention. We were heading out for dinner and coming the other way were three Klingon babes carrying impressive weapons. As they would pass guys, they would bark out these Klingon words that scared most guys up against the wall. These were bad-assed females you didn't want to mess with. You don't get in a Klingons way. They seemed to get a real kick out of scaring guys but they never broke character. They were bad to the bone and any guy who got remotely fresh got backed up by three or four Klingon women in four inch platform boots yelling unintelligible words in their face. It was a sight to behold.
After dinner, we came back and just followed these actors around the hotel as they created momentary chaos and deflated male egos by the score. It was
awesome. I think I had nightmares for a week after than. Wish I had had a camera...