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Kubota L5740 HSTC3 and a Kubota ZG222Z, 2013 BX25D,Custom Toyota fork lift.
Here’s a little job I did last winter for a customer of mine. I purchased a old Kubota BX1800 that was used at a airport to pull luggage out to the aircraft. Got it back to the shop and ordered up an Olympia ice re-surfacer and modified the tractor to take the unit.Had to shorted the rear 3 pt arms by 1.5" to lift the unit, made up a mounting bracket for the hydraulics', mounted a switch in the dash and added a bunch of suitcase weights that I had kicking around to keep the front end on the ground. It’s not pretty but works like a new machine. My customer built an indoor arena in his back yard and needed this unit for the project. Here’s a few photo’s of the unit.