Many moons ago I started working for a JD dealer. It was actually my first job. I was originally a shop gofer but the delivery guy quit and I got that job, then moved up later on into tech. At one point I was THE (only one) tech and the delivery guy and the service writer and the service manager and the parts guy. So this one older gentleman brought his LX176 in twice a year for servicing. I always picked it up and delivered it but up until the one point where the other techs left, that was all I did. Well he called and asked me to come get it and service it for the fall (mulch blades, etc for leaves). Ok, be over there in a jiffy. Brought it back to the shop and did the work. While under it changing blades, I noticed that the bottom of the deck was PRISTINE, shiny yellow. The whole mower looked better than the LX176's we had on the showroom. Not a speck of dirt or dust on it anywhere other than what it picked up from hauling it in. So I did what was requested, wiped it down and didn't get the chance to deliver it back, so the new parts guy did it. The owner lived about an hour away which is where we picked it up and delivered it to. So about 2 1/2 hours after the new parts guy left, he shows back up with the mower on the trailer. Great. Guy told the parts guy to take it back to the shop & clean it, then cover it & send it back with a cover on it, but DO NOT send it back otherwise. He actually called & gave me an earfull about how his mower was filthy. Well it wasn't filthy. It had some pollen on it and some road dust but that was all. Next morning I wiped it down, wrapped it up with saran shipping wrap and took it back personally. I asked the guy if that was clean enough for him and he said no, but it'll do. Then I asked him how he kept it so clean. In the garage, he had several stall mats set in one of the bays of the garage (3 car), two fans set next to the stall mats. He parked the mower in between the fans and with the fans on, dust wouldn't build up on the mower while not in use. Said after every use, he'd remove the mowing deck, manually clean/wash it, WAX it (bottom and top), wash/wax the rest of the tractor, and then reassemble. I'm thinking it was maybe a 3 hour job.
OCD you think? I thought so too. His wife shows up as we are chatting, in their car and it was FILTHY inside and out. Never had a wax job in it's life, nor did it look like it ever got washed other than when it rained. It was so dirty inside that there was barely enough room for them to park their back side in a seat and that was about it. Bottles on the floor, cigarette butts everywhere, trash, stunk to high heaven even from 10 feet away. But get this. Every time he'd get out of the car, he'd make sure to lock all 4 doors (the old days when you had to manually lock them), then in his shirt pocket he kept a tire pressure gauge. After checking every door individually to make sure they were locked, he'd check all 4 tires to make sure that they didn't lose any air. After checking the tires, he'd walk around & check all 4 doors again, once satisfied he'd go in the house or to the store or whatever.
The man was certainly different. Was glad to leave the house without that darn junk deere behind me although the ride back to the shop in 104° heat in traffic with no a/c in a manual shift 87 toyota that apparently had zero floor insulation sucked!