Hi looking to put a cab on a bx23s, but theres a catch, the garage door opening of my underground parking is 77 inches. Is anyone can tell me of a cab buider company who can answer my needs?
Depending on the orientation of your garage roof, you could cut and raise the header and install a taller overhead door (if the roof orientation isn't at 90 degrees to the existing door opening or.... You could install a new door in one end if the wall is oblique to the roof pitch.
or... You could do what I did and erect a ClearSpan truss arch building. Mine has a 14 foot gable end overhead door and the building is 43 feet wide x 100 feet long and 16.5 feet to the highest point. Cost me about 7 grand back when I bought it and my wife and I erected it ourselves. I can drive a loaded tractor trailer in and park it if need be.
Jon Ritter has a YouTube channel and is pretty responsive to questions. I asked how much lower the ***8220;Factory***8221; cab is on a BX23S, and he took a pic with a tape measure. If I remeber correctly, its around 6***8221; under ROPS bar.
I asked because I lopped 4***8221; off my ROPS to clear my 7***8217; overhead door.
Hmm. yeah I found out you NEED 88" to CLEAR....
There is a post 'somewhere on here' of a guy in NB or NS that made a BX25 cab,great pictures ! He now has BX23s, same as us... Hopefully you can search and find it, contact him,see how tall his is/was.
I don't know why the ROPS is so tall and WHY don't ATVs have them, far more dangerous than a SCTLB !