Hello, new to this forum. Have an L35, use it for work around the ranch. Recently did a complete fluid change everything worked ok. Around 15 hours later the idle was suddenly very low, there is now a constant hydraulic load on the engine. I need to use the throttle lever advanced just to idle. The power is low on every hydraulic function. I thought it might be the three point, so I unhooked the return hose and added a fitting so it would pump straight back into the fill, but it didnt make any difference. If I have the line unhooked, it slows down much more. Plenty of flow out the line. Oddly enough it seems that the three point/backhoe position l\ever doesnt seem to matter whether it is pulled or in. If I recall it seemed that it used to have a load if I forgot to change that, could this be the problem? I only add this, because even if I had it correctly positioned, if I moved the three point to the up position too far, it would do the same load stall. Replaced suction filter. No help. Thanks