Here's a picture of one. It looks kind of fancy. I've actually not hooked this one to a battery yet. I have 2 or 3 others that look MUCH cheaper, but work. The others are in a yellow plastic box with a couple of wire to connect and an LED to indicate it's working.
I paid about $20 each. You can get an assembled one on Ebay for like $8 straight out of China!!
After I was surprised to get the original battery working again, I put a desulfator on a battery for a couple of weeks then put it on another, and rotate back and forth. Eventually I just buy one for each battery.
I paid about $20 each. You can get an assembled one on Ebay for like $8 straight out of China!!
After I was surprised to get the original battery working again, I put a desulfator on a battery for a couple of weeks then put it on another, and rotate back and forth. Eventually I just buy one for each battery.
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