Two Saturdays ago I was using my BH and forks on the FEL doing some clearing on 5.5 acres I recently bought. I used the ripper tooth to break some roots on a small tree (maybe 15 feet tall) and pulled it out. I then used the forks to haul the tree over to a brush pile and dumped it. I leveled the forks and started pushing the tree into the pile when I suddenly heard a pop and smelled hydro fluid. I never felt any jolt or anything, just heard the pop.
I shut down the machine and went to investigate. I saw a small pucker blowout in the metal line that splits flow to the 2 curl cylinders on the FEL. Since it was only 10:00 I knew the dealership was still open so I used some wire to tie the forks in a transportable position and loaded the tractor on my trailer.
After checking in with service, the service writer and I went to parts. After identifying the needed line, the parts guy said the system showed 4 available in Kansas. He said it should be in the next Thursday. I called that Friday but was told the part wasn't in but would be in that Saturday.
The next Tuesday I called, still no part. Called back to service again today, no part. I asked for parts. The manager said he has been emailing and calling several times a day, escalating the people he was talking to up to a regional manager. No one can say if it was ever actually shipped even though there is acknowledgement that the order was received. And now they are saying they cannot find any of the parts that the system is showing to be in Kansas. And to top it off, those 4 are the only ones shown to be in the US. Frustration!!
I have thought about the failure. When I dropped off the tractor, everyone at the dealership was scratching their heads saying they have never seen a failure like this. Where the line failed it would be almost impossible for it to have been hit by something, other lines are in front of it and much more vunerabe. Whatever caused it, it happened. Only cause I can come up with is that I didn't have the forks as level as I thought and as I was pushing the tree into the pile, I hit an immovable object with the end of a fork causing a sudden surge in pressure. Still strange the way the metal line blew but at least is wasn't a hydraulic cylinder.
I wonder how much a plane ticket to Japan would be. Maybe a vacation/parts pick up trip is in my future...:/
I shut down the machine and went to investigate. I saw a small pucker blowout in the metal line that splits flow to the 2 curl cylinders on the FEL. Since it was only 10:00 I knew the dealership was still open so I used some wire to tie the forks in a transportable position and loaded the tractor on my trailer.
After checking in with service, the service writer and I went to parts. After identifying the needed line, the parts guy said the system showed 4 available in Kansas. He said it should be in the next Thursday. I called that Friday but was told the part wasn't in but would be in that Saturday.
The next Tuesday I called, still no part. Called back to service again today, no part. I asked for parts. The manager said he has been emailing and calling several times a day, escalating the people he was talking to up to a regional manager. No one can say if it was ever actually shipped even though there is acknowledgement that the order was received. And now they are saying they cannot find any of the parts that the system is showing to be in Kansas. And to top it off, those 4 are the only ones shown to be in the US. Frustration!!
I have thought about the failure. When I dropped off the tractor, everyone at the dealership was scratching their heads saying they have never seen a failure like this. Where the line failed it would be almost impossible for it to have been hit by something, other lines are in front of it and much more vunerabe. Whatever caused it, it happened. Only cause I can come up with is that I didn't have the forks as level as I thought and as I was pushing the tree into the pile, I hit an immovable object with the end of a fork causing a sudden surge in pressure. Still strange the way the metal line blew but at least is wasn't a hydraulic cylinder.
I wonder how much a plane ticket to Japan would be. Maybe a vacation/parts pick up trip is in my future...:/