The sub soiler I got with my BX2370 is too large and I'd like to trade it for something smaller + a little cash. Or If you have a BX, what sub soiler do you use and where to buy it? The main shank is 1" x 6"x 36", overall 30" x 44". If I can't find another I'll have to do some surgery on it. One of the main problems is that I can't lift it high enough. It will swing underneath the frame if the ground is level, but sometimes it wont and sometimes when it is up and under the frame, it will catch on a bump and swing out and start to dig. So I want one that is shorter from the 2 hitch pins to the end of the digging edge. This one measures 30". I think about 4" shorter would be good, 26" from the tip to the mounting pins.