being a tech, I see lots of tractors. I see lots of poorly maintained tractors. I know this sounds absolutely crazy, but if you put a coat of wax on the painted surfaces, they won't fade. If you don't, it will fade-and when it does, it turns from orange to a pinkish color, looks like poo. I'm fortunate enough to have bought a G1900 from a guy who waxed everything on it, and the hood looks awesome as does the rear fender. Unfortunately the deck didn't get that lovin'. Something else that I seen a few years back is on the plastic lawn mower hoods (like the T and G 60 series), you can use a wool polishing pad in a cordless drill, and some fine polishing compound, and that faded hood will look absolutely brand spanking new. Fender too. Works wonders! I know...cause I bought about 2 dozen of them in a years' time, cleaned, serviced, repaired, and polished 'em all up, and sold them. People aren't hesitant to pay more money for 'em if you spend a little time on 'em.