Fair Quote for BX23S vs JD 1025R


New member
Mar 7, 2018
Sherrills Ford, NC
Thanks to all for posting good information on this site! I have been looking to purchase a sub-compact tractor and I have narrowed it down to the kubota BX23S or the John Deere 1025R. Both dealers are within 20 minutes of my home and both seem great. I road on each tractor and they both felt very good. I will be moving quite a bit of dirt on my property but nothing crazy heavy. The Kubota dealer quoted me a new BX25S which includes a front loader, backhoe w/thumb and 16" bucket, 54" standard mowing deck and a tooth bar for the front loader for $20,475 before tax.

The JD dealer quoted me a new 1025R tractor with a loader, backhoe and 54" drive-over deck for $21,700 before tax. I have to buy the thumb from a non-JD dealer.

I am leaning toward the Kubota because price is a big consideration but also Kubota is offering 0% interest for 84 months and JD is offering 0% interest for 50 months. After paying 20% down my payments for the Kubota will be $208/month and the JD will be $310/month.

I assumed the JD would be a better machine but I keep reading reviews where people are extremely happy with the Kubota.

Either one is better than me renting a machine for $320/day every weekend for the next 2 years.

Any thoughts or suggestions and perspectives are greatly appreciated. Are these quotes fair?


New member

Jul 18, 2015
Saint John, NB
I think your gonna get a lot of pro Kubota here, but honestly they are both great machines. I would steer clear of some lesser tractors, but as far as a deere or Kubota I think both are amazing products.

Tractor Dell

New member

Kubota BX23S
Jun 13, 2017
Central PA
I actually bought a BX23S last year and I love that thing. I haven't found anything that I have not been able to do with it, as long as I was patient. There are some things you can do to it to tweak the hydraulic performance and there are lots of add-ons you can get for it. I also got the SSQA so I can quickly switch between my FEL bucket and my EA grapple. Be sure you get the 3rd function for the grapple. You will find all kinds of things you can do with it! :)



BX23S W/ Factory Deluxe Cab, 60" MMM, 60" BX-2612 Snow Blade & BX-2816 Blower
Nov 5, 2015
Edinboro, PA, USA
I agree with Tractor Dell. Consider getting the third function installed. I wish I would have.

My neighbor has the 1025R sand backhoe and i have the BX23S. Comparable machines. I believe his loader bucket is wider and there are a few other nice things when compared to my 23S. Fuel filter being one of them. The BX80 series has some nice features as well.

I'd consider some other implements to include with financing and see how much more i can get for the same monthly payment. [emoji23]



BX2380 w/FEL & Woods RM48 RFM, Yazoo/Kees Max2 ZTR
Jun 30, 2017
I also cross-shopped the JD 1023E & 1025R. I consider the 1025R very comparable to the BX2380(S). A few features I liked better on the JD, but a few more I liked better on the BX. For equal money, I would choose the BX. If the JD were >$1K cheaper, I'd go JD. With your figures (which, btw, seem very fair) I'd go BX. But that's only if you don't favor one over the other. If you do, get the one you like, as a few bucks won't matter much in the end. They are both excellent, capable machines, and sounds like both are good dealers for you.
Let us know which way you go. (with pix, of course...):)


Lifetime Member

BX23S MMM PHD Grapple
Apr 13, 2017
Vancouver WA
I did the same comparison a year ago and went orange.

Kubota was offering a $1000 rebate if you bought a second attachment (the backhoe counted as the first).

The Kubota dealer was aggressive on pricing while the Deere dealer seemed to not need my business.

My subjective opinion: I liked the treadle petal better and the ease of removing/installing attachments was more to my liking.

The only service my BX23S has needed is an oil change.

Best of luck making your decision.


Lifetime Member

B2650, LP Grapple, Bro-Tek spacers, QH, Box Blade, Landscape Rake, RB, and 1560G
Aug 1, 2015
Minneapolis, MN
As everyone says they are both very nice, most have had to make the same decision & more go Kubota. The selling point for me was the hydraulic was smoother on the BX, and ran like the bigger tractors. I had dealers that would let you have them for a weekend to test, set mine up for the same weekend. In the end I just liked the BX better, the cost savings turned into implements so no real cost savings on the initial purchase. Then again I was able to do more work. Try to spend time on both and see for yourself, can***8217;t really go wrong with those options.



Mar 10, 2018
In your situation, if the $1000 difference isn't the deciding factor, I'd be going with which ever dealer I was more comfortable with.

I went through the exact same thing you are going through in January. I did exhaustive research on many brands, and I finally narrowed it down to to 2 models. Like Redbusdriver said, JD acted as if they didn't need my business. I went orange and haven't looked back sine.

Let us know what you wind up with.



BX23S, 60" MMM
Nov 5, 2014
New York
Deere has a stronger loader, but it can run one function at a time. Boom , curl, boom, curl.

The backhoe is much more jerky on the Deere, and I can operate the dipper and bucket curl simultaneously on my Bota.

The Deere is slightly physically bigger. Id prefer that.
I prefer the Deere split HST pedals. However, you have to jump the safety switch to operate the mmm or 3pt in reverse.

Deere seat is great.

Green was 2k more around here, and that didnt include the mmm.

I paid 19,800 for my BX23S with 60" mmm, SSQA and 3pt hitch.


New member
Lifetime Member

L2501HST, BLMX3164 blower, BB1266 box blade, BX42S chipper, Titan forks
Feb 26, 2018
Standish, Maine
I have a JD X530, and I think in a garden tractor I like JD better for many reasons, mainly things JD has done so well for so many years like ease of attachment changes.
But when you get to SCUT and CUT size tractors the Kubota models are more like a big tractor imho. Heavier build, and completely matched driveline components all built by Kubota. More cast steel, less cast aluminum. I think they’re both well made capable tractors but I think the Kubota will stand up better in the long run.


New member

b1860, b2650, front end loaders, box blade mmm, rear and front snowblowers
Dec 1, 2017
As already stated both Good. I drove 40 miles past my JD dealer to get my bx1860 and b2650. The dealer is important to me. In my comparisons I did find Kubota ,engineers, designs and builds every element of their tractor. JD has parts coming from around the world and then has their tractor assembled. Most people consider JD built in the USA and Kubota imported. look up Kubota USA to find if this model is made hear in the USA. In my research Kubota engines provided more horse power and torque then the Yanmar engines. (both have been used for years and are good) I would give Kubota a plus on the engine and also a plus on My Dealership. The JD dealer sells huge tractors to huge farmers and the little JD they sold didn't provide much excitement or interest to the salesman. My Kubota dealer sells tons of scut and cut and seemed more interested.
Tough choice both are good.


New member

BX23s Land Pride Grapple BXpanded Piranha Tooth Bar Kubota BX 2816 Snowblower
Mar 20, 2018
Gettysburg, PA
Well I have had my BX23s for about 6 months. Used it for many different tasks. I was also back and forth with the 1025R. Bottom line for me, the 23s was much more user friendly and I swap attachments in minutes now. JD seemed a bit behind Kubota on those convenience tasks and functions. For prices, JD at several dealers was over $1K higher and soonest they could get one in was 2-3 months! My shopping around on the Kubota was a bit unusual. I found the tractor, accessories, and attachments that I chose all had VERY different prices between the 5 dealerships. So what I ended up doing was taking all the lowest prices for each item and asking the lowest tractor priced dealer if he could match them. All but one he was able to meet or beat. That saved me nearly $1800. I am intrigued about tweaking the hydraulics as like most people, I want just a little more power.

Tractor Dell

New member

Kubota BX23S
Jun 13, 2017
Central PA
Well I have had my BX23s for about 6 months. Used it for many different tasks. I was also back and forth with the 1025R. Bottom line for me, the 23s was much more user friendly and I swap attachments in minutes now. JD seemed a bit behind Kubota on those convenience tasks and functions. For prices, JD at several dealers was over $1K higher and soonest they could get one in was 2-3 months! My shopping around on the Kubota was a bit unusual. I found the tractor, accessories, and attachments that I chose all had VERY different prices between the 5 dealerships. So what I ended up doing was taking all the lowest prices for each item and asking the lowest tractor priced dealer if he could match them. All but one he was able to meet or beat. That saved me nearly $1800. I am intrigued about tweaking the hydraulics as like most people, I want just a little more power.
It's easy to adjust the hydraulic pressure, and you will notice the difference. I built my pressure tester from items I got on Amazon. If you look for the post it should be out there. If you can't find it, just post on here and I will redo the items list. :)