Have a 2016 L2501HST with the LA525 and ssqa bucket.
My dad has a 2013 JD 3032e with the 305 Loader. I'm keeping at my place for him for a few months, so getting to compare the Deere. Obviously, the 3025 would be closer to my L2501, but that's what they are.
NOTE: This is meant to be a full-blown comparison, but really just some observations, having the chance to use both of them around the place.
Used the Deere and my LP box blade to grade the road today. Did fine, handled same as mine did. The dual pedal layout isn't as intuitive, but enough time on it, I'm sure it would be second nature as the rock pedal on the Kubota.
Something I found surprising:
The JD has just 2 gauges.. the Tach, and a tank-cap Fuel gauge.. like a riding lawn-mower has. Whereas my Kubota has Tach, temp, fuel all in the dash. That "seems" kinda cheap on Deere.. 1 big tach, surrounded by idiot lights.
The JD doesn't come standard with a draw-bar, my L2501 did. Why JD had to charge extra, ??
The kubota has a heavy, well-made 5 foot bucket, the JD is a much lighter weight 4 foot. That's likely how it was bought, so not necessarily a complaint. My neighbor has a JD compact, and noticed his bucket also wasn't nearly as well made as mine.
Given the JD has a 7hp more on the engine, it only has a 6.5 gallon fuel tank, where the L2501 has a 10 gallon tank.
The hydraulics on the JD are very (too) fast on the FEL joystick, harder to ease lifting etc. Specs say they are nearly the same on capacity.
The flat platform on the JD is nice.
Engine is plenty strong, though I like the sound of the Kubota engine better.
Handling is about the same, the 4wd steers a bit smoother than my Kubota does when it's 4wd is engaged.
One thing that was humorous, my dad had never realized how to use the glow-plugs on the 3032. I took it into a garage near me to have a diesel leak fixed for him, and it's was in the 20's.
A little reading found that: you put the HST into gear, turn the key, which engages the glow-plugs (audible click of the relay). Then you put it back into neutral, and turn the key to start. Started every time for me..
There is nothing at all wrong with the JD 3032 as far as being a good compact tractor, just like my trusty Kubota L2501.
I just had to get mine out this afternoon, too. had to push up some brush into burnpiles. Got a hour or two on both of them.
What it does make me realize, is that Kubota is very well made, and feature rich tractor. It's clear, that when compared to JD, it really comes out ahead in the features, and design/quality. Given that JD charges such a premium, one would think that it would at least be on par as far as quality and features.