The cheaper alternative to brand name.....
I took it as "I bought a Kubota but should have bought a Kioti".
SUDT2 is good stuff. Seen WAY too many tractors come through the shop with cheapo fluid that says "meets kubota specification" on the bucket, but with hydraulic issues. Everything from cylinder issues to HST issues to, well one I am working with now...M8540 cab, 3 point hitch position control valve has an issue, 3ph inoperative. Lifted the cab, removed the lift assembly, flipped it over, disassembled valve and found one spool stuck-causing the whole problem. Call customer with $800 estimate for all work, he goes berserk and asks why so expensive (remember I had to lift the cab to get the 2 front nuts off), then says ok fix it....I ask what kind of hydraulic oil he runs (it smells weird), TSC cheap stuff. There ya go. Saved $100, spend $800. Is it the fluid's fault? Dunno. I'm not an engineer, I just fix stuff; all I know is that too many tractors that come through with hydraulic problems have cheap oil in them.
I bought 10 gal of SUDT for my Massey Ferguson, of all things, and it really smoothed out the operation of the power steering, 3ph, and PTO clutch.