Cracked glass on instrument cluster - BX2670


New member

2015 BX2670
Oct 16, 2017
Dixon, IL, USA
Hey guys,

New to the site, but I've perused the forums often since I bought my BX2670. I spent the summer gutting and remodeling my old house and I ended up cracking the glass on my instrument cluster (IC) when a bunch of scrap fell out of the bucket as I was lifting it up to the dumpster.

I've got a pretty good idea on how to remove the IC, but I have no idea how to get the glass out, if it can be done. Any advice would be great. I have a shop in Rockford, IL that says they may be able to replace the glass as they specialize in instrument repair. The other option, of course, is buying a new IC and installing it, however, I have no idea how to set the hours to match. I'd really like to avoid paying shop fees.

Thanks in advance.


New member

Dec 9, 2013
The glass is glued into the cluster and has to be pried out. I did it to mine because I was getting water into the cluster and my tach quit working. A new cluster runs around $ 250 so I took a shot at fixing the tach. The only way I know to match the hour meter is to connect a battery to it and let it run until it matches the existing reading. Depending on the hours on your machine it could take a while since you can only get 24 hrs on the meter in a day.


Well-known member

Oct 15, 2015
Mid, South, USA
Hey guys,
.......when a bunch of scrap fell out of the bucket as I was lifting it up to the dumpster.

Have had two BX's in the shop over the summer with same issue. First one the man was unscathed. Second one not so much, but he lived. You were lucky as well. Gotta be careful with a FEL even on a little bitty tractor it can easily kill you. Oh wait forgot about the third instance, a friend, lifting a load to dump and a limb fell out of the bucket and annihilated the hood of his brand new B2301. Another lucky one in that he was not hurt, but did get shook up a little.

Previous post is right. IC parts not available. Entire cluster has to be replaced and hour hours will go back to zero. That or order the IC, remove glass from new cluster and install it into your existing IC so that the hours are correct. Your choice. Other option is to see if you can find a glass company local who can cut you a piece in the right dimensions. Glass is an art that is not well supported in this area but every locale is different obviously.


New member

Oct 21, 2015
Leicester, Ma, USA
My 2370 went in for service last week before the 2 year warrantee expired.
They repacked and resealed the steering rack(not sure I'm using the correct terminology).

While it was in, they noticed the glass seal in the instrument cluster failed and condensation/water was getting in so they ordered and installed a new one. So, I just noted in my service log book the hour meter was reset at 176 hours.