Looking for a block heater for the BX1870-1. Local dealer tells me Kubota does not sell one for the block on this model. They do offer one for the lower radiator hose. Part number for it is 70000-00298 (previously 70000-00283). Do any of you smart folks know of an in-block heater that positively fits the BX1870-1? If not, how about the ID of the lower radiator hose part number K2581-85152. I searched it every way I could think of here but did not find anything particular to the 1870.
My BX started like a champ all of last Winter. I'd just like to make the cold starts as easy on it as possible moving forward.
My BX started like a champ all of last Winter. I'd just like to make the cold starts as easy on it as possible moving forward.