Difference L2501 and L3901


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L2501 HST 4WD
Aug 3, 2015
Thanks for pointing out the differences between to two models I asked about.
Ive decided to buy the 2501 (still negotiating price) rather than the 3901 for my applications.
Thanks again for all the great replies and help.


Lifetime Member

G1800, L2501 (2016) 5ft LP box 2004 F250 6.0 Lariat Supercrew 2017 1140D RTV, 2
May 25, 2016
Savoy, Texas
Always glad to hear positive feedback.
Ive decided on the 2501 rather than the 3901 for my applications.
Did you get the Gear or Hydro ?
Hydro, the only way to go if you get the FEL.

Did a lot of checking, and if you service it correctly, there are no concerns about longevity.

About the only accessory I wished I had gotten when I bought mine was cruise-control. I'll probably add it over the winter along with a 3rd remote. The cruise would really help mowing, and make the brakes usable.. :)


Active member

L2501 HST 4WD
Aug 3, 2015
Hydro, the only way to go if you get the FEL.

Did a lot of checking, and if you service it correctly, there are no concerns about longevity.

About the only accessory I wished I had gotten when I bought mine was cruise-control. I'll probably add it over the winter along with a 3rd remote. The cruise would really help mowing, and make the brakes usable.. :)
I plan to keep service a priority and hydro is what Im going with.
The cruise is on my list for sure.
I want the FEL but cant justify 4000+ dollars for my applications.
Thanks for the reply.


Lifetime Member

G1800, L2501 (2016) 5ft LP box 2004 F250 6.0 Lariat Supercrew 2017 1140D RTV, 2
May 25, 2016
Savoy, Texas
I promise, the FEL is the absolute best attachment you can have. I use mine for all kinds of things, lifting barrels, generators into the back of the truck, moving crap around.

The dealer should be able to make you a killer deal on the tractor and FEL.

I plan to keep service a priority and hydro is what Im going with.
The cruise is on my list for sure.
I want the FEL but cant justify 4000+ dollars for my applications.
Thanks for the reply.


Active member

L2501 HST 4WD
Aug 3, 2015
What kind of price are they offering you in your neck of the woods?
L2501 4wd Hdro with R-1 tires, bare tractor, w/o any accessories or any attachments 14,000

I promise, the FEL is the absolute best attachment you can have. I use mine for all kinds of things, lifting barrels, generators into the back of the truck, moving crap around.

The dealer should be able to make you a killer deal on the tractor and FEL.
I understand but I have been without one for nearly 20 years. I might get one at a latter date but just cant justify the extra cost.


Well-known member

Oct 15, 2015
Mid, South, USA
Ok let's do some clarification.

The L2501 can be thought of as an L3200 but with a bigger engine and less power. Go figure. It makes about the same amount of torque as the L3200 does but at a lower RPM, hence the reason it's governed to 2200 vs ~3000. The L2501 has different transmission and PTO gearing. The L2501 also has different governor and injection pump parts. Can they be interchanged? Dunno. Never tried. The certainly look a little different but I haven't had to go into too many of them, at least not enough to say for certain that the parts will interchange. I do know the part numbers are all different. Even if you could swap the gov, pump, and control parts, the gearing would be way off, such that you'd have a 750 RPM pto (estimated) and a tractor that is honestly too fast, specifically with the DT transmission. HST you can vary the speeds a little better but I am not sure how the charge pump and rotating groups would handle the extra RPM.

The L3901 has a bigger engine that makes more power (horse power and torque). It's governor is electronic-and it works 10x better than the old mechanical governor does in that RPM doesn't start to drop much until you're using all of it's available power, at which point it will start dropping until either you remove some of the load or the engine dies-whichever comes first. It reacts a LOT quicker to load changes than the old style mechanical stuff does. It uses a little more fuel as well (obviously-with the extra power it's going to), and it also has DPF and DOC built into the muffler. It runs quieter (a LOT quieter) than the L2501 does, it idles cleaner/a little smoother, starts quicker too. The L3301 follows the same characteristics but has a few less HP than the L3901 does, everything else is about the same.

I really really like the 2501; everything but the noise. It's just noisy. And the fact that it's just 25hp which limits what you can do with it, or in some cases how fast you can do it-as compared to the L3901.


New member
Feb 18, 2019
Conifer, CO
Does anyone have experience with an L2501 at high elevation? I got a salesman telling me that the 2501 would be fine for my uses at low elevation, but at 8500 ft, he says the 2501 would be very weak and that I need the hp of the 3901. This would be a 13 hp increase for an additional $5000. Primary uses will be lifting and pushing with the front loader, including on steep terrain.


Lifetime Member

L3901, LA525-FEL, BMLX-3164 3pt Blower, 72" Coteck Sno Pusher, 60" Box Blade
Feb 20, 2017
St.Francois,New Brunswick. Canada
I had a 2501 and I am MUCH happier with the 3901. It is quite noticeably quieter, and gobs more power, especially when you have to speed down during snow blowing operations. In the areas I clean, often times I have to idle down to 1500 RPM so I don't bury the neighbors. Even with the deflector down, the ability to idle down and not lose power is important. Oddly enough, I am getting better fuel economy with the 3901 versus the 2501. I have put 137 hours on the tractor just this Winter, as we have had a severe Winter.
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LX3310/ Cab 1950 F- Cub
Nov 22, 2017
ellicott, colorado
Does anyone have experience with an L2501 at high elevation? I got a salesman telling me that the 2501 would be fine for my uses at low elevation, but at 8500 ft, he says the 2501 would be very weak and that I need the hp of the 3901. This would be a 13 hp increase for an additional $5000. Primary uses will be lifting and pushing with the front loader, including on steep terrain.
you wont regret the extra power at that elevation :)


Well-known member

MX6000 HSTC; 2020 Kubota Z421KW-54 zero turn mower
Jun 9, 2015
Does anyone have experience with an L2501 at high elevation? I got a salesman telling me that the 2501 would be fine for my uses at low elevation, but at 8500 ft, he says the 2501 would be very weak and that I need the hp of the 3901. This would be a 13 hp increase for an additional $5000. Primary uses will be lifting and pushing with the front loader, including on steep terrain.

There is still the L3301 which has more power than the 2501, but at a slightly lesser cost.

I hate to mention it, but if any competitor tractors have turbochargers, they are going to do a lot better at your altitude.

I wonder if your dealer has a demo L2501 they'd let you use on your property for an hour or two.


Active member

L3301 HST, LA525, LP shredder, BB1566 box blade, QH10, Worksaver pallet fork
Jul 6, 2018
Gilmer,Tx,United States
There is still the L3301 which has more power than the 2501, but at a slightly lesser cost.

I hate to mention it, but if any competitor tractors have turbochargers, they are going to do a lot better at your altitude.

I wonder if your dealer has a demo L2501 they'd let you use on your property for an hour or two.
I'm in flatland but the guy I bought my L3301 HST from had just moved here from Colorado Springs. With the extra HP over a 2501 have no mowing issues plus it pulls my 5 1/2 ft box blade full of dirt with ease.
I know the FEL is not cheap but you'll not regret the purchase plus if you should need to sale it brings way more with than without.


Dec 5, 2017
Paris Ky
L2501 4wd Hdro with R-1 tires, bare tractor, w/o any accessories or any attachments 14,000

I understand but I have been without one for nearly 20 years. I might get one at a latter date but just cant justify the extra cost.
I purchased an L2501 hydro, Filled R1 tires, FEL, 66 inch bucket, box blade and SSQA loader.
For $17,000 in Kentucky.

14k is a joke for the bare tractor.

Kubota had a deal when I purchased mine where they took $1,500 off 2 attachments. $1,250 off the first attachment (FEL) and $250 off the second attachment (box blade).
If you are in TN I would check prices in Kentucky and Georgia.
Without that deal and the 0% financing I would off not purchased a Kubota.


Well-known member

Oct 15, 2015
Mid, South, USA
Any engine with natural aspiration is going to suffer at altitude. Heck I notice it even on hot and humid days; I could not imaging trying to live at 8500'. None of the standard L series has a turbocharger. Wait I think the L4701 does; but on the standard L's the only ones I ever see are the 2501, 3301, and 3901-mainly because so many of them are sold around here. The 2501 is the best selling tractor in this area, period. I like it but it's underpowered and a little noisy. As far as buying without the loader, don't wait too long because once a new standard L series comes out (which nobody ever knows when that'll happen), usually within a couple 3 years afterwards, the old style loaders will be gone to make room in the warehouses for the newer ones....that is IF they change loader designs--and they've been known to do that. I used to work for a dealer who loaded up on loaders and tractors because they were discounted and had longer terms. 5 months later, that tractor was replaced with a newer model which used newer loaders. Dealer STILL to this day has one of the old loaders on their lot and can't give it away. Then when I moved and went to work for another kubota dealer, had a man bring a standard L series tractor in wanting a loader....which was no longer available, so the guy has a tractor that is basically useless for anything but running a shredder. Same for 2wd. A 2wd tractor is useless, and becomes a pile of feces when a loader's put on it. The weight out past the nose takes weight off of the rear tires and when trying to back away from a pile with a loaded bucket, the rear tires commonly just sit & spin. Also resale is poor on 2wd, and most any tractor without a loader. Why? The FEL is one of the most used pieces of equipment on any farm whether it be a hobby farm, a house in a neighborhood or a full-fledged farm, and people look for that when tractor shopping. My old MF, which is old, rusty looking, really a nasty looking tractor to be honest, has a loader on it, and I asked the dealer's wholesale purchaser to appraise it. $5500 is what I was offered for it. I put it on CL for $5500 and has 30 emails within one hour. I about fell over. Needless to say I'm keeping it. I don't "need" it but the few times a year that I do, it's as handy as a shirt pocket!


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Lifetime Member

L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Lugbolt, you said "it's as handy as a shirt pocket!"

That reminds me of the time a good friend and I took the canoe down the river goofing off. Got out in the middle of no-where and he had to take a dump. I laughed all the way back and reminded him frequently of the purpose of a shirt pocket!



G5200, L2501, ZD1211
May 16, 2009
Any engine with natural aspiration is going to suffer at altitude. Heck I notice it even on hot and humid days; I could not imaging trying to live at 8500'. None of the standard L series has a turbocharger. Wait I think the L4701 does; but on the standard L's the only ones I ever see are the 2501, 3301, and 3901-mainly because so many of them are sold around here. The 2501 is the best selling tractor in this area, period. I like it but it's underpowered and a little noisy. As far as buying without the loader, don't wait too long because once a new standard L series comes out (which nobody ever knows when that'll happen), usually within a couple 3 years afterwards, the old style loaders will be gone to make room in the warehouses for the newer ones....that is IF they change loader designs--and they've been known to do that. I used to work for a dealer who loaded up on loaders and tractors because they were discounted and had longer terms. 5 months later, that tractor was replaced with a newer model which used newer loaders. Dealer STILL to this day has one of the old loaders on their lot and can't give it away. Then when I moved and went to work for another kubota dealer, had a man bring a standard L series tractor in wanting a loader....which was no longer available, so the guy has a tractor that is basically useless for anything but running a shredder. Same for 2wd. A 2wd tractor is useless, and becomes a pile of feces when a loader's put on it. The weight out past the nose takes weight off of the rear tires and when trying to back away from a pile with a loaded bucket, the rear tires commonly just sit & spin. Also resale is poor on 2wd, and most any tractor without a loader. Why? The FEL is one of the most used pieces of equipment on any farm whether it be a hobby farm, a house in a neighborhood or a full-fledged farm, and people look for that when tractor shopping. My old MF, which is old, rusty looking, really a nasty looking tractor to be honest, has a loader on it, and I asked the dealer's wholesale purchaser to appraise it. $5500 is what I was offered for it. I put it on CL for $5500 and has 30 emails within one hour. I about fell over. Needless to say I'm keeping it. I don't "need" it but the few times a year that I do, it's as handy as a shirt pocket!
Back when I was tractor shopping, my dealer had a nice looking L3800 for just under 10k.

It was 2WD... Not a bad tractor for mowing and pulling and such and I believe this would be pre emissions, but about worthless otherwise.


Well-known member

MX6000 HSTC; 2020 Kubota Z421KW-54 zero turn mower
Jun 9, 2015
Any engine with natural aspiration is going to suffer at altitude. Heck I notice it even on hot and humid days; I could not imaging trying to live at 8500'. None of the standard L series has a turbocharger. Wait I think the L4701 does; but on the standard L's the only ones I ever see are the 2501, 3301, and 3901-mainly because so many of them are sold around here...Then when I moved and went to work for another kubota dealer, had a man bring a standard L series tractor in wanting a loader....which was no longer available, so the guy has a tractor that is basically useless for anything but running a shredder. Same for 2wd. A 2wd tractor is useless, and becomes a pile of feces when a loader's put on it. The weight out past the nose takes weight off of the rear tires and when trying to back away from a pile with a loaded bucket, the rear tires commonly just sit & spin. Also resale is poor on 2wd, and most any tractor without a loader. Why? The FEL is one of the most used pieces of equipment on any farm whether it be a hobby farm, a house in a neighborhood or a full-fledged farm, and people look for that when tractor shopping...
The L4701 does not have a turbo.

Your statement about a tractor without a loader being useless for anything except running a shredder is ridiculous. You have the entire range of 3-point hitch implements you can use. So things like a flail mower or brush hog, back blade, box blade, post hole driller, york rake, snow blower, sweeper, etc, etc. Basically, there is a lot more you can do on the back of a tractor than the front.

I ran a B-series tractor for several years without a loader, just weights on the front...for many of the purposes I listed. Later on, I went to the dealer and purchased a brand new loader for it...even though the new B-series used a different loader. The dealer ordered it from the factory and it arrived in about two weeks without issue.

2WD I agree with you on. There are probably certain specific applications where 2WD is OK, but these small tractors get stuck easily. Larger, heavier tractors can do OK with 2WD...but most loader tractors are 4x4 so they can push into piles much easier.



Jul 11, 2018
Mobile, Alabama
I, too, struggled with the decision to buy a L3901 or a L2501. I wasn't too concerned with regen problems on my new tractor. It seems few people have serious problems with them and after all it has a good warranty. I was concerned about regen (computer controlled) problems years down the road, long after the warranty is gone. For that reason I chose a L2501 and for the most part I have been happy with it. Sure, I would like a little more HP when mowing but I'm retired - if it takes me 8 hours instead of 6 so what?:D:D

Some of the statements made on this thread I have to strongly disagree with. A 2wd tractor is useless. A tractor without a fel is useless. I have wore out 3 2wd tractors and none of them had fels. To say they were useless is just flat wrong.

Having said that, my L2501 has a fel and I LOVE it, can't imagine having another tractor without one. It has 4wd and HST, same feelings for them. Sometimes a tractor decision must be made on what you can afford, not what you want. Been there - Done that.


Active member

L4701HST, FEL and other stuff.
Jul 28, 2018
Same for 2wd. A 2wd tractor is useless, and becomes a pile of feces when a loader's put on it. The weight out past the nose takes weight off of the rear tires and when trying to back away from a pile with a loaded bucket, the rear tires commonly just sit & spin.
I have to respectfully disagree with you on this comment. I had a Allis Chalmers D12 2WD gas and a JD 750 2WD with FEL and back hoe with no power steering and accomplished amazing things with it. If you use common sense and proper ballast you can do a lot of stuff with it.