That's unfortunate. The cover is K7021-39503 and the gasket is # k7021-39040, both are available from numerous dealers or online sites.
I got all the parts cleaned up. The pistons/barrels had perfect clearances/tollerances. I had a few pistons from the other barrel and used them, and the other ones, and couldn't tell the difference. Put it together with a new gasket. Went together perfectly. Added hydro fluid slowly turrning the lower barrel so it wouldn't be started dry. I drained the trans and changed the filter, filled up with 303 to the top. Hooked it all up and ran it for about 5 seconds. Checked the level, it dropped but not to much. Filled to the top again. Started again, left the cover off and watched the flow. Ran for 2-3 minutes. Tested forward and reverse, fully functional. No leaks at all.
Did a few more tests at low rpm for another 10-15min. In my experience if it's going to go bad from assembly, it'll go bad very fast. Tried to take the cheap way out on motorcycle cams vs lifters once, didn't go well. This has passed my expectations so far, hopefully it holds up to tomorrow.
Tomorrow I'll make a brief few passes, then drain the system and flush with travelers premium. I hope everything stays working well. I cleaned it surgically and reassembled everything with great care. If it works well, I'll buy the add on expansion tank. Until then I'll monitor the fluid closely. I'll run it a bit more tomorrow at low rpm to properly mate the surfaces.