Loader for L245DT


New member

Kubota L245DT
Feb 5, 2011
Ontario, Canada
Hey all, im just wondering if there are any loaders, other than Kubota loaders that will fit an L245DT? More specifically I guess im looking for someone to explain to me how I would be able to tell if a non-kubota loader could be made to work for this particular tractor. Any help is appreciated.


New member

Kubota L245DT
Feb 5, 2011
Ontario, Canada
I have a BushHog brand on my l235dt.
Those BushHog Loaders look pretty heavy duty. What was the price like for your 235dt as we would need the same loader im pretty sure? If you don't mind me asking. Trying to get an idea of what im in for to get a loader on this thing.


New member

Kubota L245DT
Feb 5, 2011
Ontario, Canada
Well I just got a couple of quotes for a couple of different loaders for an L245DT and they are more then what I paid for the tractor......quite a bit more.

Does anyone know if a loader from either a B6100DT, or a B1550 would fit on an L245DT? I have a line on a couple of salvaged tractors that both have loaders on them.


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79 B7100 w/ FEL, Deere 261 Finish Mwr, Woods M4 Bush Hg, Potato Plow, Cultivator
May 5, 2010
Hooksett, NH
The L245DT seems like a lot more tractor than the 6100 or 1550. You can make anything fit with enough fabrication but they would be small for the tractor and maybe not strong enough to take the pressures the tractor could apply.

I just mounted a KwikWay loader from a garden tractor onto my B7100DT. It fits and works, but after my second day of heavy use I had to fabricate a couple of replacement pieces that weren't heavy enough to take the stress the Kubota could dish out. For me it was still the right choice since I already had the loader and the garden tractor it was on needed a new engine. Only cost me $50.00 in steel to get it mounted.

Make sure you don't buy too little loader for the tractor or you could destroy the loader. Buy too big and you can hurt the tractor.


New member

Kubota L245DT
Feb 5, 2011
Ontario, Canada
Yeah I guess when it comes to tractors / loaders size really does matter. Had to throw that out there. I just found the pdf manual for the 1200 series loader that was made for the 245DT and was hoping it would have some measurements on there. No luck however. Id love to just make one. Probably save a ton of cash. Ill keep lookin I guess.


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B6000DT, B7100DT,Snowplow, RM360, Scoop, Cultivator, Carryall,Disk, plow
Aug 14, 2009
Western Ky
Does anyone know if a loader from either a B6100DT, or a B1550 would fit on an L245DT? I have a line on a couple of salvaged tractors that both have loaders on them.
Well I know one from a 6100 would be **WAY** to light duty and i'm sure a loader for a 1550 would be as well. You want to have a reasonably sure level of safety (read overkill) built in because of near overhead lifting involved. Something that could be damaged easily while lifting could cause risks to life and limb!! Yours or others in the vicinity of your activities.

I'm all for saving money, but more importantly for me is the pride i get in re-purposing something. I find it most enjoyable to create something new or mate two totally different items that serves my needs. My only big flags are anything that involves overhead lifting as I said. I **always** over build!!

I don't wanna be squished like a bug, might hurt.;)



New member

Kubota L245DT
Feb 5, 2011
Ontario, Canada
I'm all for saving money, but more importantly for me is the pride i get in re-purposing something. I find it most enjoyable to create something new or mate two totally different items that serves my needs. kytim
Well an ideal scenario would be to find an actual 1200 loader. Which oddly enough I did at a salvage yard. It was complete with aux pump plus all the plumbing, and in very good condition. However, it came into the yard on a Thursday, and then left the following Tuesday :( Guy I spoke to there said that the smaller loaders come and go pretty quickly.

Im all for making something "work" too. Ive been trying to figure out a way to gauge whether or not another branded loader would be a good candidate for the L245DT. But, other than starting with the HP size of the tractor im at a loss. I have found an old Allied 100 loader. But I can't find any specs on it. I would assume it would be for tractors between 15-30 hp based on their current series models. Its too far away to warrant a quick look at it. I will have to call the place and see if they would be willing to make a few measurements for me.

Gotta have a Loader!