Easy BX HST fan replacement


New member
May 7, 2017
Clarks Hill SC USA
OK men here is the easy way to replace the HST fan on the new BX2680. And a word of caution if you own the new bx 80 series tractors don't ever do more than cut grass until you get a BXpanded cover for the bottom of this tractor. Her bottom is bare and you will destroy the HST fan and possible fuel filters, wiring, fuel hoses as well as the HST filter all hanging down low to get bumped and bashed by sticks and rocks. Here we go its a two hour job at the most. Remove the front hub bolted to the engine, remove the cv joint bolted to the hub then pull rubber boot off cv joint and remove the snap ring holding it in. Now the shaft will slide forward all you want. Go to the back I removed the snap ring and pulled out the shaft nothing to it. There is four balls in the cv joint so watch for and catch them as they come out. Here is the only trouble, the bolt that clamps the collar to the rear HST shaft. I drilled a 2 inch hole with hole saw between the two knobs right under the seat to access the cut out in the HST on top to remove this problem bolt. Pulled the hub of the cv joint off the shaft with broken fan, bolted on the new fan and put it all back just like I removed it. The 2 inch hole is the key to success with out disassembling half the tractor. I will pass on that one. Now I will make a neat little metal cover and pop rivet it over my new access hole. Problem solved.
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New member
Jun 3, 2013
east ky
Yep. We like the tractor porn. Helps understand how something is done. Even a before shot is good

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Russell King

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L185F, Modern Ag Competitor 4’ shredder, Rhino tiller, rear dirt scoop
Jun 17, 2012
Austin, Texas
There will be snap in plugs (plastic or metal) to pop into the hole you cut. If the hole is in metal then you should paint the edge to keep it from rusting. Plugs can be gotten at NAPA or hardware stores

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New member
May 7, 2017
Clarks Hill SC USA
And if you get a black nylon plug you would think it was a factory job just like it should have been. Yea I know that would cost Kubota dealers thousands of bucks a year replacing this 7 dollar plastic fan. I had my new BX a total of 5 days before I destroyed the fan with a green stick about the size of a pencil. I can promise you this was engineered to fail and get in your pocket for 500 or more bucks to replace this fan. This is a stout little tractor but it does sit close to the ground and needs a full belly pan to protect it. I will call it my fault for not looking under it before doing some brush hog work. When I saw that HST filter hanging down low I was shocked into reality, that filter will get punctured sooner or later. Will get a pic posted of my access hole. If you measure correctly a 1 inch hole is all that's needed to access that troublesome bolt on the HST shaft collar. I drilled a bigger hole just to make sure I had room to work at a angle if needed. It was a straight shot and about three inches down to the collar bolt. I put the bolt back in with a magnet on a stick.

Dr Honda

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Mar 30, 2015
Pitt, PA
I would like to see where you put the plugs too. I haven't hurt my fan... but I know it's just a matter of time. I'd like to drill/plug before I ever have to do the job.


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BX2370, frt mt blower, tarter sc48 rotary mower, FEL, 6 ft woods finish mower
Jul 29, 2017
Muskegon, MI
I did something similar, cutting an access opening as pictured. After removing the coupling bolt, I was able to slide the driveshaft forward enough to access the fan bolts. I used a 1/2bolt (3/4 inch head) to hold the coupling in place to do this. I cut the old fan and removed it. I cut the new fan as shown, installed and bolted it in place. I epoxyed the fan cut (JB weld) and also epoxyed a small strip of the old fan over the cut. A hundred hours of landscaping and pasture mowing later to test the epoxy - everything is great. If I break another fan it will only take 1/2 hour to replace now.







New member
May 7, 2017
Clarks Hill SC USA
Here is the 2 inch hole right over the bolt. There is no way I would tear this tractor apart instead of cutting this hole. Quick and simple. On a side note the cv joints have a spring inside and will compress with a pry bar until it stops. It will not damage them to compress them. My ten year old nephew removes the cv joints they are self explanatory when you take them apart and will only go back one way. One spring and four SS balls that work as bearings about the size of marbles. Grease will hold the balls in place while you slide the CV joint back together. Taking the shaft out keeps you from cutting the fan blade. The fan bolts right on the back of the rear CV joint. Pull it, it ant rocket science. I will replace these all day long for 200 cash


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New member

BX1860, FEL, 50" Front Blower, Heated Cab, 6' blade, 3pt carry all, 3pt hitch
Sep 2, 2014
Southern New Hampshire
I will replace these all day long for 200 cash
You said it takes 2 hours but want $200. $100 an hour is more expensive than the dealer you overpriced jerk. Nice try :D

(to be clear, I'm kidding)

Great idea and thanks for posting!


New member
Oct 9, 2018
Clarkston mi
I just finished this job tonight on my 2006 bx2350.

Some of these posts show a two piece connector at the motor end. Mine does not have this. Shaft runs from fan to back of engine and is impossible to get out without moving engine forward a few inches.

Absolutely cut hole in hump in floor board. Uses a 2” hole saw and it saves a tremendous amount of work. Probably don’t need to go this big but make a common size hole so you can find a plug for it.

The engine is only 4 nuts...take hood and sides off, take off 4 nuts, lift engine up and forward some. Just watch cooling fan. I didn’t remove anything else to move engine.

I replaced to shaft boots so you have to break down the cv joints. Nothing was hard just small space and working on your back. I used the bucket to pick up front and put it on car ramps.

Cleaned cv joints, used new grease, and put it all back together with new fan.

Added aftermarket skid plate (fit like a glove) and now new fan is well protected.

Fan is so vulnerable but new one with skid plate should be way better. Email me if anyone has questions. Not a hard job if you drill hole in floorboard.


Well-known member

Oct 15, 2015
Mid, South, USA
Yet another post staying the BX is a "bad design".

I'm pretty sure they did the best they could in designing it. If you have a better idea, feel free to go to work for Kubota designing tractors. That or send emails to every dealer telling them how bad the design is. Might as well also forward them to Kubota. Trust me, I've done the same. I work closely with them.

It takes like 2 hours to change it. It'd take me that long to drill hole in the floor + climb underneath and do the rest of it. Honestly easier to just remove the engine or slide it forward, change the fan, reinstall. The bad part is that hole in the floor is right by the fan, so that rubber plug after it rots out and falls through, now you've got a gaping hole that can swallow your fingers, toes, whatever. Sticks, tools, pet legs, whatever. But that's not my responsibility since I didn't cut that hole in it. Case in point, a certain side by side vehicle that has a fan directly under the seat, accessible through a hole, with engine running you can't see that fan. There's a weatherstrip around the hole and sometimes comes off. I grabbed the weatherstrip on one while it was running and the fan sucked it right up, pulled my fingers in and I lost the tip of 2 of them, in less than a split second. Yes plastic fan similar to the BX's. Luckily they were reattached-mostly successfully. Very little feeling in one of them though. That's the kind of stuff that Kubota has to deal with too when people cut holes to gain access. Next thing you know, some yuppie sees the post, grabs his DeWalt, cuts a 2" hole in it, then a few years later his trusty puppy dog that rides around on the BX gets his little legs cut when he falls through the floor hole plug that rotted out or just pushed through, then he's trying to sue someone because that too is "bad information or bad design". May not go anywhere, but could sure make for a bad experience.


New member
Oct 9, 2018
Clarkston mi
Not sure how to take your reply but all i never said it was a bad design. Wanted to let others know it’s not as bad of a fix as some say. Cutting the hole in hump is the way to go for sure. There are many places you shouldn’t stick your fingers while it’s running. Coming up with a plug that won’t fall apart and allow you to put your fingers where they don’t belong isn’t hard to do. Your comments are not helpful for those trying to save $$$$ by replacing an $8 fan themselves. Be careful on hills, tractors can flip. Watch the cooling fan under the hood, it can cut off the rest of your fingers if you stick your hands in there while it’s running. Come on.

Yet another post staying the BX is a "bad design".

I'm pretty sure they did the best they could in designing it. If you have a better idea, feel free to go to work for Kubota designing tractors. That or send emails to every dealer telling them how bad the design is. Might as well also forward them to Kubota. Trust me, I've done the same. I work closely with them.

It takes like 2 hours to change it. It'd take me that long to drill hole in the floor + climb underneath and do the rest of it. Honestly easier to just remove the engine or slide it forward, change the fan, reinstall. The bad part is that hole in the floor is right by the fan, so that rubber plug after it rots out and falls through, now you've got a gaping hole that can swallow your fingers, toes, whatever. Sticks, tools, pet legs, whatever. But that's not my responsibility since I didn't cut that hole in it. Case in point, a certain side by side vehicle that has a fan directly under the seat, accessible through a hole, with engine running you can't see that fan. There's a weatherstrip around the hole and sometimes comes off. I grabbed the weatherstrip on one while it was running and the fan sucked it right up, pulled my fingers in and I lost the tip of 2 of them, in less than a split second. Yes plastic fan similar to the BX's. Luckily they were reattached-mostly successfully. Very little feeling in one of them though. That's the kind of stuff that Kubota has to deal with too when people cut holes to gain access. Next thing you know, some yuppie sees the post, grabs his DeWalt, cuts a 2" hole in it, then a few years later his trusty puppy dog that rides around on the BX gets his little legs cut when he falls through the floor hole plug that rotted out or just pushed through, then he's trying to sue someone because that too is "bad information or bad design". May not go anywhere, but could sure make for a bad experience.


Dec 21, 2016
RGK66 what a killer idea. Since mine has been missing fan blades all year I will wait till it is too cold to work then do this mod in the Barn. I think I will add a 1 inch band lip with tac welded nuts on the tractorside for quick on off. THanks as I was really not wanting to do this repair. Now I can buy two fan blades and be ready.


New member

L3901DT, MX5200DT, Case 450, 1450 dozers, Case 530 const. king backhoe/loader
Dec 11, 2018
I removed the front DS collar and the spacer-to remove the complete shaft (also put new boots on at that time). It wasn't that bad of a job once your there (use a comfy creeper) on your back. I would do it this way again.

However, if you did cut the hump out or use a hole saw to expedite things, why wouldn't you just tack weld the plate back in place, then use a paintable sealant? Then, no plug to rot or brackets to come loose?

Just saying.....


Dec 21, 2016
My fan is down to a smooth round hub now. I am forced to do the replacement, but at least it is winter and I do not use the tractor much this time of year.

Just curious as I found out the fan was gone when doing the 400 hour service. now when I run the tractor after about 20 minutes it sputters and wants to stall. My thought is the new oils are getting hot binding the pump thus loading the motor?

Either way I have to replace the fan. I am going slightly different from the others. Since I have time I am going to cut out the hump and make it into a cover like a differential plate. I have no problem cutting the fan then gluing it back together.

All I have to say is thank God for these forums as the $4-500 dollar tab at the dealer is not worth it. Even with the amazing insurance/warranty I do not want to pay the $250 copay.

Now with all the posts on this repair not one lists the part number for the fan?? Why not? How about posting who ships the quickest at the best price too?



Bx2680 FEL, MMM 60", EA 5' rear blade, lp ph10 auger, 50" tiller
Apr 24, 2016
North of Zachary, La
Late to the party here, but I have a question regarding a small guard over the fan on my 2680 fan. I think my old tractor, a bx2200 lacked any protection at all, and I'm not saying that this guard is fully sufficient, but do they all come with this? is it later production? Did my old one have it? It looks like it would stop most of the sticks. I understand that something can eventually get in there and strip the fan, but it looks like Kubota has tried at least.


Well-known member

B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
Late to the party here, but I have a question regarding a small guard over the fan on my 2680 fan. I think my old tractor, a bx2200 lacked any protection at all, and I'm not saying that this guard is fully sufficient, but do they all come with this? is it later production? Did my old one have it? It looks like it would stop most of the sticks. I understand that something can eventually get in there and strip the fan, but it looks like Kubota has tried at least.
The only "Fan Guard" on my BX2200 is the MMM, which fortunately for me is on the BX most of the time. No guard whatsoever protecting the HST fan.