BX 2370 losing power


New member

Apr 16, 2017
Locust dale, VA,USA
I have a BX 2370 and it started yesterday to lose power (on a very steep hill). I had the finished mower engaged. I terminated the mower to try to get more power and got down the hill to flat land with my heart pounding. I then kept losing power about ever 20 minutes then within 5 minutes and then almost immediately. I would turn off the tractor before it complete shut down by itself everytime and let it sit for a few minutes then start it up again (want to get back up the steep hill, but right now no way). I am assuming that there is something in the fuel line or filter. I am not a mechanic but will try to do things on my own to learn. Should I try and remove the fuel filter and let the diesel drain and check to see if there is a blockage in the filter itself and get a new one? I had my Kubota service within the last two months. This is my second time I have added Diesel to the tank since and this power lost started within 2 days after adding new diesel on Good Friday. I think I see a bolt with an arm holding the Fuel tank but not sure at this point do I need to try anything there. Any ideas/recommendations for a 62 year old lady.
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Lifetime Member

L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
Hi Lisa, welcome to the forum! I don't have a BX and can't help with specifics, but first we need to know what resources you have in the way of operator's manual or shop manual? If you don't, look in the stickies at the top of the forum for sources of online versions. You'll need one for the procedure to bleed the lines for that specific tractor.

Having a new filter on hand would be good, which might mean waiting til tomorrow. Not sure if you can drain the tank from that point. And new fuel to replace the old. It does sound like contaminated fuel could be your problem. Anyway just thinking out loud until someone with one of these BX's logs on. Sorry to hear your tractor is stuck at the bottom of a hill.


Active member

Jun 3, 2015
Your BX 2370 has 2 fuel filters. There under the tractor you'll have to remove your mower deck to see under the tractor and see the filters. There a clear plastic with the paper filter material inside. The steel round looking thing looks like a filter is actually the electric fuel pump. The fuel filter closer to the fuel tank outlet is usually the one that plugs up.You can pick the filters up from you Kubota Dealer. Changing the filters is a messy job. Your more then likely going to get Diesel fuel splashed onto you.One way is to use some sort of hose cripping tool to stop the flow of fuel.I use a pair of Vise grips to crimp the hose before the rear filter before taking off the hose clamps and filters. Once you have the new filters on remove the vise grip and check for leaks.Next turn on the key and let the fuel pump for awhile before trying to start the tractor. There's no need to bleed and fuel lines seeing you have a electric pump on the BX it doesn't need to be bled. And yes a manual would be nice to have.;)


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None- I get to play with everyone elses stuff
Apr 1, 2010
He's right, probably a fuel filter issue. If that doesn't fix it, it may still be a fuel issue, either a pump(rare) or dirt in the fuel tank that could be clogging the out let. I normally always change both fuel filters even though the one under the floor clogs first. They are both the same part number 12581-43012. You can shine a flashlight up at it and if you see any dirt inside the filter, change it.


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rotiller, box scraper,etc.
Feb 24, 2011
Lisa is right, but other things may be present. The fuel pump may be no good. If you have a small Vise grip pliers that can be used to shut off the flow from the tank while the filter is replaced.

If the fuel pump is bad, you can disconnect the electrical connection as a test and see if it still runs. Fuel level above half does not need the fuel pump too work, due to the gravity effect then.

I have had a devil of a time with my BX fuel lines until I installed a larger fuel filter.. There is a U-tube video by a fella in Eastern Canada telling what he did. The actual filter he installed is not available now but a replacement is.

One of the headaches I had when working on the fuel system under there was removing that shield. Factory bolt tightening was so tight that prevented me getting it off, requiring actually removing both rear wheels. Then access was easy.

If you ever replace the fuel pump, do not buy a cheaper one than the factory supplied pump. Cheap ones cost about 1/10 of the factory model, but fail early on. If you check pump pressure, it hardly needs to be as high as the book says (3 psi I think).

By the way, the filter can plug and you don't need much dirt to have it fail. May look clean, but isn't.
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Well-known member

Oct 15, 2015
Mid, South, USA
One of the headaches I had when working on the fuel system under there was removing that shield. Factory bolt tightening was so tight that prevented me getting it off, requiring actually removing both rear wheels. Then access was easy.

That "stinking" shield has 10mm bolts holding it onto the frame, which should be around 40 lb-ft roughly. But every time I take one off, it's more like 400. I think they seize after being installed. I hate doing fuel filters on the BX's just for this reason alone!


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BX2370 w/LA243, Bucket, Grapple, QA Pallet Forks, 60" MMM, rear blade & rake
Sep 27, 2015
Central FL

I have had a devil of a time with my BX fuel lines until I installed a larger fuel filter.. There is a U-tube video by a fella in Eastern Canada telling what he did. The actual filter he installed is not available now but a replacement is.
I think you are referring the video by Paul Short, where he makes/modifies hsi tractor to relocate the rear fuel filter to the frame area where it can be easily serviced.

There is a guy on E-Bay that is selling a kit to do this. I just bought it (will install this weekend). It is a nice kit (using Kubota filter and housing) and includes all of the parts needed to do this modification.

The only think not included in the kit (that Paul Short did) is a shield around the filter to protect against debris. If you wanted this additional protection it would not be hard to add this yourself (since the location is so easy to access).


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Lisa,, first off Thank you for your service.. Now , haveing a BX I know the filters, and yes the first one is under the tractor, and the deck has to come off. Find the hose comming from the fuel tank to the filter, and uing a small pair of vice grips or a hemostat clamp the line from the tank. remove the first filter you need a pair of pliers to that the clips off the hose on both sides, and if I recall a 10 mm socket to remove the clip holding the filter in place. The hoses might be pretty tight so wiggle them back and forth and twist them some and they should come off. Replace the filter making sure the new one goes inthe right way push the hoses on replace the clips and retighten the retaining clamp. Then go to the left side of the motor and look you will see another filter you might as well replace that one also just to be safe, doing the same thing as before. And start her up, there will be some air in the line but not to worry the BX will run the air through with out any trouble.
The next thing to do is check the air filter,,,,, if you have been cutting really dusty stuff or it has never been changed a clogged air filter will muck things up as well.
I re read your post and you had it serviced 2 months ago so I would think they did those things,maybe not ya might want to check your bill.
Also I dont know where you store the little gal if its out side there may be some moisture in the fuel you put in, and add a fuel stabilizer to the can when you fill it, and if the can is left out side in the sun it may start to grow an algae in the fuel, yea thats a real thing.
I hope some or any of this helps


New member

rotiller, box scraper,etc.
Feb 24, 2011
Messic's has it for $154.32 incl. freight. You will need extra hose also. Remember the size is metric.

I had to plug a vent hole and note I used one frame bolt and had to add a clip.
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