boom crane



B2301, 60 inch deck, 51inch blower
Oct 22, 2016
Ontario, Canada
Well flushed with success using my short 3 point mounted small crane using my 2500 lb HF winch I decided to use my previously fabricated rear fork set and make a boom crane for the same winch.
As you can imagine using a small winch is a limit but it is only for lifting theMMM, front snowblower and probably log lengths of wood. I am not looking to or want to lift anything that I deem dangerous.

The basis is my forklift, this will give me a good base with the forks acting as outriggers. It attaches to the tractor using a channel section over a drawbar and sits on the ground when fully down.
I have used thick walled 2x2 square section as the post, I have inserted a smaller square section inside to act as a locator and jointer, I want that removable when not in use so it has a bolt which can be removed.
As the two sections, the one fixed to the forks and the post are the same section any download will be full contact. I did place a section at the bottom to offer an extra area of frontal support although not necessary as it is held on the same plane with the top link.
I have included some construction pictures. The welds are not aesthetically great but they do have full heat penetration, which is what I was looking for.

While I was waiting for the welds to cool I installed my new tool box. Located in place of the Kubota sandwich box. It is removable with two pins and clips to the powder coated angle they sit on. All parts that were lying about in the shop.
Sorry, the pictures are wrong, I tried everything to rotate but they just keep doing this.:eek:
Comments are always appreciated.
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Well-known member

L225 w/woods Few Mowers & Back Blade, D722 in Motorcycle (Triumph Tiger), LMTV
Nov 16, 2012
Southern OH
...Sorry, the pictures are wrong, I tried everything to rotate but they just keep doing this.:eek:
Comments are always appreciated.
Many photo view programs on a computer will read the "orientation code" (for lack of better description) from digital camera/cell phone that is attached to format pic was saved in (jpeg for example). Thus it will automatically invert them for VIEWING. When you save that... it does not change the orientation code.

You have to use a program that either does NOT read the orientation code thus you have to manually flip it after opening it then resave...... or an edit program that will ask you when you open (or save a new) if you want to open and keep a new orientation.

PS- IMHO it is easier to use online photo edit tools to orient properly and save with new orientation.

here is one
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Racer X

New member

GR2110 ~ 1948 Ford 8N ~ 1948 Adams Motor Grader ~ Kubota L260
Apr 28, 2017
The Great Pacific Northwet
Sorry, the pictures are wrong, I tried everything to rotate but they just keep doing this.:eek:
Comments are always appreciated.

I find that if I view the photos on my computer with Windows Photo Viewer, and when I view one that is not rotated correctly and I rotate it, the software saves the orientation information automatically when I close the viewer or move to the next photo.
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2017 L2501 - 2020 L2501
Apr 17, 2017
Lebanon, TN
Nice neck does hurt from tilting my head to look at the pictures....LOL



B2301, 60 inch deck, 51inch blower
Oct 22, 2016
Ontario, Canada
Sorry about the neck strain, I have downloaded windows viewer but when I look at the pictures they are in the correct orientation.

Anyway some further work has been done and for those who got excited at the small lift, this might be too much.

I have this unit so that when lifting the carry all is parked on the ground so the legs are acting as outriggers. The boom is thick walled 2-inch square section fully welded to a 1-inch square bottom support and a 1/8inch flat bar top support. It has a smaller square section that slips inside that is drilled to allow an extension for lighter lifts. I placed a welded ring into a drilled and tapped a hole in the 1-inch bar, this allows me to use mechanical advantage and I have it connected via a top pulley, a lifting block and a return.
I have mounted my small winch now with a 5000lb synthetic rope and it works with little effort.
I attach a picture showing it lifting onto the carry all the front 51-inch snowblower.
As I do not have an FEL and have no real need for one this is the purpose of the boom crane. It lifts the snowblower and MMM without breaking a sweat. I have made the insert section double sided and can use a chain if I prefer.
The tractor does alter in pitch slightly but all wheels are in good contact and it still has a good steering feel.
This is not being used for logging, forestry or any other outlandish operation it is to move my blower and MMM from one garage to another for storing over a level gravel drive.


Racer X

New member

GR2110 ~ 1948 Ford 8N ~ 1948 Adams Motor Grader ~ Kubota L260
Apr 28, 2017
The Great Pacific Northwet
Sorry about the neck strain,
That's OK, I just rotate my 27" monitor.

I have downloaded windows viewer but when I look at the pictures they are in the correct orientation.
What version of windows are you using?

Also, I bet you are using a cell phone to take these pictures, correct? There may be something about how the software on the phone manages image orientation that doesn't translate to Windows.

I'm still stuck in the dark Ages and use a flip phone, so I don't have a lot of hands on with the smart phone thing. But I believe that most of them have a device in them that allows them to know the position of the device. It may be that for the photos taken in portrait orientation the tag in the image file that is supposed to tell other programs which way to orient the photo isn't sending the correct message.

Try opening the shot that won't display correctly, rotate it and close it, then reopen it and see if it is still rotated as you left it, or if it went back the way it was.

If it stayed rotated, rotate it to the correct direction, and then post it here.



B2301, 60 inch deck, 51inch blower
Oct 22, 2016
Ontario, Canada
The last set was only 1 in 4, I am getting better. Windows 10 with the window viewer add-on. Taken with a Casio digital camera. The strange thing is, I import the picture, check rotation, close the folder, reopen and they are correct and show that way on the viewer, photo, Picasa, when I add them to the site it sometimes changes the orientation. I use landscape most of the time when taking them.

Anyway, sorry you have to lift your monitor, have you tried lying down to view.

Racer X

New member

GR2110 ~ 1948 Ford 8N ~ 1948 Adams Motor Grader ~ Kubota L260
Apr 28, 2017
The Great Pacific Northwet
Sounds like you're doing all the right things.

After my last post I had some more thoughts trickle through my pea head. I wonder if it is some sort of mix up with the forum software that is part of the WYSIWYG editor. I see other posts where the orientation is off.

So maybe it is on the forum software side.

I host my photos on Flickr, then hot link them on forum posts, rather than use the WYSIWYG editor to attach them. I can even set the width so it doesn't place a picture so big all you see is one lug nut. Usually about 1024 wide will fit most of today's screen resolutions, although on my desktop computer that is just over 1/4 of the horizontal distance (I have a dual display desktop, 2 27" flatscreens, 3840 x 1080).

. . . . . . . . have you tried lying down to view.

Fell asleep.

But when I woke up I read some of your other threads. You are very prolific, and have made some neat tools to enhance the value and versatility of your machine.

Nice work.

Racer X

New member

GR2110 ~ 1948 Ford 8N ~ 1948 Adams Motor Grader ~ Kubota L260
Apr 28, 2017
The Great Pacific Northwet
Just testing something here. I saved one of your pics, opened it in Windows Photo Viewer, rotated it, closed the viewer, and now I am attaching it using the WYSIWYG editor.

Here goes.


Racer X

New member

GR2110 ~ 1948 Ford 8N ~ 1948 Adams Motor Grader ~ Kubota L260
Apr 28, 2017
The Great Pacific Northwet
So there it is for me. The orientation stayed correct. I'm running Windows 7 Pro 64bit, and Firefox 53 64bit. Won't bore y'all with the machine details, probably not relevant to this picture thing.



B2301, 60 inch deck, 51inch blower
Oct 22, 2016
Ontario, Canada
You are a prince, amonst men.

I will in the future post my pictures and you do the magic, I will continue welding and turning my tractor into Chitty Chitty Bang Bang].


Incidentally, I am Scottish - so a dram all round.

Racer X

New member

GR2110 ~ 1948 Ford 8N ~ 1948 Adams Motor Grader ~ Kubota L260
Apr 28, 2017
The Great Pacific Northwet
You are a prince, amonst men.

I will in the future post my pictures and you do the magic, I will continue welding and turning my tractor into Chitty Chitty Bang Bang].


Incidentally, I am Scottish - so a dram all round.
Um, thank you.

And I am (mostly) Scottish too.

Some Laphroaig?