Im looking for nwe tractor gun


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The mighty B7100 ,woods rm59, yo mama
Apr 24, 2011
Baseball Hall of Fame
Last time I visited some Family down In Southern Texas. I noticed that several of the farmers had AR-15's mounted in front of them to grab easy. You can thank the illegals trying to smuggle drugs in for that.

Nothin says welcome to America better than an AR.


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M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
Tell them to wait till the south bound one cross the line before they open up on them. Maybe it would act like a scare crow in a corn field.


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Kubota 2410, RC60-24B, FL1000- kubota hydrolic front snow blade- plug aerator
Sep 10, 2009
Rising Sun, MD
Guys.... I live in Maryland. Our State Assembly just passed a law and the Govenor is going to sign it.

Brace yourselves,

All illegal alliens in Maryland can receive in state tuition in all state supported colleges and universities. The prerequisites are the illegal parents must have paid taxes in Maryland for the previous 3 years and the student must have graduated from a Maryland high school.

Will this improve our economy with the prevelance of government jobs?

Ain't going to happen. An illegal allien, educated or otherwise, can't pass the hiring screening to even qualify for an interview.

Should not the focus be on a green card and a path to that leads to citizenship.... then we can proclaim, "Welcome to America".

Is this too simple ort am I missing something?



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M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
Butch I think you're missing the big picture here. The simple, one track minded higher educated people in our country wanted a change. They voted him in and he shares the "Yes we can" slogan with the famous construction worker Bob the Builder. If you don't know who that is he stars in a cartoon. My kids used to watch it yrs ago when they were little. Since the leader of our country has almost as much leadership quality as a small child and makes desitions like a bobble head doll would. I don't understand how you can even question the rights of a illegal soon to be citizen. A natural born citizen is suppose to step aside, lay down and be a doormat for the rest of the world to wipe their stinky feet on as they come in and take everything that we have worked for. We should be happy to have our taxes get spent on such a worth while cause.


The above opinions are not how Bulldog thinks.
Bulldog is being a smart ass and thinks the change SUCKS.
I think it's about time to say the hell with the rest of the world and it's time to care for our own. Tell the rest of the world to kiss our ass. After the warm embrace is over they need to go back where they came from and to drag a couple of their buddies back with them as they cross the border as they go. Take up the "welcome" mat and replace it with a "Back Off" mud flap.

Titan Tom

New member

Feb 16, 2011
Merritt Island, Fl
Back in the beginning of this thread I belive Skeets was talking about getting a Saiga.

Truth be told, I have never thought much about Saigas, I always thought that they were an answer to a question that nobody asked. I mean a 12 gauge AK! Who would have thought?

However, my opinion is born of ignorance, as I have never had the opportunity to handle one. I'm a 'gun' guy, and at one time even owned 1/2 of a gun shop. Even though I have bought & sold a butt-load of shotguns, in my narrow opinion shotguns begin and end with two...all my shotgun needs are met with a tried & true Remington 870 pump, and I have a newly-aquired original Belgian-made Browning Sweet Sixteen autoloader just in case some Landed-Gentry type ever invites me on an upland hunt on his Manor, as if that's likely to ever happen!

A trip last year to Russia allowed me an opportunity to at least see how the Saiga may have come about at all...

My wife & I went on a WWII-themed trip to Russia last year, visiting battlefields & musuems of the Great Patriotic War, as the Russiams call it. We visited Moscow, Volgograd (ex-Stalingrad), and St Petersburfg (ex-Leningrad). Being a 'gun guy' I was itching to visit a Russian gun shop, if even such a thing exisited.

As it turned out, the last hotel we stayed in (in St Petersburg) was situated directly over a Russian gun shop. On the last evening of our trip, I spent about an hour looking through the shop and discussing with the guys there the avalaible hardware and the laws governing their purchase & use. There were LOTS of Saigas on display.

Russian gun ownership goes something like this...

Airguns of all types are available for direct purchase, as are adaptations of standard Soviet pistols & revolvers modified to shoot a funky 45-cal low-velocity cartridge loaded with a big rubber ball. These 'rubber ball' shooters are made up from Makarovs, Tokarev TT-33's, and even M1895 Nagant revolvers. Likewise, real models of these guns (with many of the Tokarevs bearing WWII dates on the frames) are converted to .177 cal pellet guns using standard 12 gram CO2 cartridges. I was DYING to buy one of the Tokarev air guns, and was assured that I would have no problem getting one out of Russia, but at it was built on a 'real' serialized TT-33 frame, I was worried that some US Customs agent may not have so benevolent of a view.

They also sold quite a few real firearms, mostly shotguns, plenty of rifles (including many semi-auto AK varients, just like are sold here), but no 'real' handguns were displayed.

If you want to own a 'real' firearm in Russia, the process starts by applying for a shotgun permit. If you are approved, the Saiga is pretty much what everybody starts with, as they are relatively inexpensive compared to others offered. If you own your shotgun for 5 years, and have not commited any transgressions with it, you can now move on to a rifle, once another permitting application is submitted and processed. Again, the semi-auto AK varients rule, as they are inexpensive in comparison to other rifles.

Which brings me full circle to my theory of how the Saiga was born. I belive that it was developed to serve the Russian civilian market, and not ours, as a pure export product, as I had previously believed. As the old Izvhesk (now Izhmash) arsenel is geared toward AK manufacture, the development of a shotgun varient seems a natural course. So end's Tom's take on the matter, your mileage may vary.

I'll be off to a gunshow later this morning, if I spot any Saiga's I'll post a price report.

Take Care,

Titan Tom

New member

Feb 16, 2011
Merritt Island, Fl
Back from the show, and as far as Saigas go, I'm completely sticker-shocked...

A 'regular' 12 gauge, flat mag, was $825.

One with a funky drum mag...$1200!

Prices seemed a bit down on the older 'classic & collector' pieces (my specialty), and I'm sure this is due to the economy. Prices remain stable, meaning high, on 'black' guns and all ammo.

I bought a 9mm Canadian Inglis Hi Power, and made a deal to pick up a really nice older S&W pin & recessed Model 25 45 Long Colt in it's presentation case when I get back from California next week.

Say what you will, Cabu, I say "God Bless America"!

I know that you're going to be touring the American West pretty soon, if you could ever find your way to Florida I'd be happy to get you to a range and let you play with some nice toys...

Take Care,
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Kuno B1-15 (B1502DT)
May 24, 2009
Germany, Oyten
... Cabu...if you could ever find your way to Florida I'd be happy to get you to a range and let you play with some nice toys...

Are you talking about "toys" :cool: like this: (Cabu 2nd from left)

Check my "Hobby":

First Lieutenant Cabu, Platoon leader of 70 Infantery-Guard's

Regarding your discussion I would like to mention, that nearly everybody of you is an alien to that continent... My root's are since 500 year's (or more) in Germany. But I have no idea what it mean to "be" a german. As long somebody support the community you live in, I say "welcome, and nice to see you". But I do not like fanatic's and lazy's. I don't care about the passport, color or religion. I care about helping each other...

Carl :cool:


New member

The mighty B7100 ,woods rm59, yo mama
Apr 24, 2011
Baseball Hall of Fame
NIce Hobby.
The affairs in America are unfortunate in the south. I have some experiences on Americas sothern border.
Some of the people sneaking in have back packs FULL of drugs. These folks bring nasty drugs that kill people and ruin lives. They arnt going to stop and say "nice to see you". They will do anything.
Theres two ways to do things- the right way or the wrong way. When they do it the wrong way, makes me wonder "why?".
I can rationilize toting some heat.
Saiga might not be a bad choice. or perhaps one of your toys.



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BX25DLB/PForks,Front Blade,3PH,and 3Pt STUFF, BXPanded UA, Piranha, BH Dolly,Rip
Apr 15, 2011
NE Georgia
You are all crazy !! :p

I can really imagine you all sitting on your kubotas riding on your property in high gras and shooting with two gun's at everything that move's. :)

Who? Us? ........yep thats me a right wing radical whatever they called us....


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Kubota 2410, RC60-24B, FL1000- kubota hydrolic front snow blade- plug aerator
Sep 10, 2009
Rising Sun, MD
Amen Cabu!

The way I see it is so long as "other" beliefs and cultures do not infringe upon my rights, safety of my family, or present a clear and present danger to MY country.... they can do pretty much anything they want to.

After all "tolerance" is what makes America great!:D


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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
I have been to 3 shows and like the man said the Saiga 12's are out of sight although I did find several Saiga .410;s that were resonable. and now with the hope and change crowd they are trying to outlaw some imported shot guns,, hummm kinda makes ya wonder huh.. I think everybody should own at least one "BLACK GUN" as the politicos here in the Burgh call them. Just MHO you understand,,


New member

BX25DLB/PForks,Front Blade,3PH,and 3Pt STUFF, BXPanded UA, Piranha, BH Dolly,Rip
Apr 15, 2011
NE Georgia
My vote is a scabbard with a "Circuit Judge" Tall and Proud:D:D:D


Active member

Kubota 2410, RC60-24B, FL1000- kubota hydrolic front snow blade- plug aerator
Sep 10, 2009
Rising Sun, MD
Black guns.... I may have to take a walk... but I know where some VERY sophisticated hardware MAY be found in a real pinch....;)


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Kuno B1-15 (B1502DT)
May 24, 2009
Germany, Oyten
I was so wrong with Germans:

Today I read in the newspapers that a farmer was plowing his land. When ever some seagull's came near he shot them with his pellet gun. Accidently he hit a stork. He kicked it several times and plowed it under.
The police took his rifle and he was charged for disobey the game law (storks are protected) and the Protection of Animals Act (shoot and kick!).

Strange people here in good old Germany. :eek: The farmer is 75 years old...

By the way: It is still not allowed to plow and shoot at the same time here in germany !!

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Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
It sounds like we have similar problems.

I know the farmer didn't turn himself in so I assume that someone had their nose in the farmer business where it didn't belong.

You said that you can't plow and shoot. Does that mean no shooting from moving tractor or can you stop the tractor and then shoot?