Well we have a freeze warning for tonight, It was 96f a few days ago.
I think it's all
Othumpa's fault, he posted a snow pic the other day and angered the winter sprite!
Even his home page has a snow pic!
Votes for a ban?
A hummmm!
You are reaping what you sow or is that snow.
I do not and did not anger the winter spirit. It is in ones best interest to appease them by letting them know that they are in your thoughts. To neglect them, you invoke their wrath. A simple pic lets them know that you have not forgotten them and await their return at the appropriate time.
Now, apparently I have angered the summer spirit some how
and today I had to preform a ritual and make an offering to it so that I may return to my daily tasks.
The ritual of repentance:
Put Key in the ignition and start engine letting it warm up
Swing leg over the seat, grab the bars, pull the clutch lever in, engage first gear with left foot, slowly let clutch out with left hand while simultaneously increasing the rpm's with the right hand. This process must be repeated many times both shifting up and down. This process was endured for 3 hours before arriving at the summer spirits residence, Laconia NH bike week. There, one MUST make repeated offerings of a liquid spirit to the summer spirit in hopes of appeasing it. Thankfully, it was a bright hot summer day and that made it tolerable. This was followed by repeating the above ritual on the way home. The summer spirit let me know that my offerings were inadequate by branding me with a sun burn.
Sooooo, I must repeat these offerings tomorrow in an attempt to win its favor.
So you see, it is you who angered the winter spirit by neglecting it.