

New member

Apr 15, 2016
On a 20' equipment trailer, loading 5' bush hog, grader blade and tractor.
Easier, safer, better to;
place king kutter at front backwards, tractor with blade?
Or blade first, tractor with mower?


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Lifetime Member

BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA
On a 20' equipment trailer, loading 5' bush hog, grader blade and tractor.
Easier, safer, better to;
place king kutter at front backwards, tractor with blade?
Or blade first, tractor with mower?

Not so much what is first second etc......

the weight of the tractor needs to be placed in such that it is slightly forward of the axles. SO - IF you place the tractor on the trailer with nothing hooked to it, where is the sweet spot ? I would imagine the tractor is sitting with the rears more or less over the last axle and the fronts forward of the front axle +/- a couple of feet or so.

That being said - can the mower have room on the rear? - and with that added weight, the tractor can move forward a bit more. OR do you need to spin the entire thing around 180 degrees? I would hate to think of having to "pull" the mower off the front of the trailer if I had the blade hooked to the tractor first! Nor would I want to lift the blade off the trailer either (by hand)
I am guessing there is no FEL?

AS for securing the attachments - make sure that each piece is secured both ways, I always think about slamming on brakes - what can move? (NOTHING should move) Make sure mower if on the tractor is down on deck and secured too. The blade if not attached needs to be locked down too.

Daren Todd

Well-known member
Lifetime Member

Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
It's actually gonna end up being trial and error on your part. Your gonna want to place everything to where you have the trailer balanced correctly. Not all the weight on the front, or behind the axles.

On my 16 ft trailer, when I picked up my l1501 and brought it home the first time. I had the tractor, back blade and bush hog. We ended up backing the tractor on with the back blade. Dropped that and stood it on end against the rails. Then hooked the bush hog on and drove onto the trailer with the bumper locking the back blade in place.

That being said, I had a little too much weight on the tongue so the front of the truck was pretty light. The 30 minute drive home took an hour with me getting the occasional 1 finger solute :D For my tractor, it handles the best with just one implement on the trailer and the tractor backed on. With the front tires on the edge of the dove tail.


Staff member
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BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA
I sometimes expect that :
"getting the occasional 1 finger solute "

then again - I try to get the hell outta those peoples way by pulling off to the side, sometimes there isnt enough road!!!

What Daren said - trial and NOT a big error - I like to call it "tweaking it"!


New member

Apr 15, 2016
Woods 84 blade and king kutter 60". I am putting blade on first. Then tractor with mower. Mower seems heavier and fel fits better to blade..


New member
Apr 14, 2016
Emmett, idaho
With every truck/trailer/tractor set up being different the only way to find out is loading and moving your stuff around. I'd say "trial and error" but once you start down the road the error part could get ugly.

As other stated you need weight forward of the trailer axles and on the tongue of the trailer. Years ago I tested this theory by loading up a tractor with FEL and a Box blade on a 18' trailer, at the last minute I decided to haul a post hole digger and small angle blade over to a friend so I backed up the tractor and loaded the loose implements up front. I dropped off the loose implements at a friends house and went on my way without moving the tractor forward. I didn't think it would matter on the short trip and I didn't want to unchain just to move the tractor a foot or so forward. Big mistake. I started down the highway and when I hit the brakes the truck and trailer started whipping from side to side to the point I was sure it was going to flip, the tail was wagging the dog.

When I got it stopped I cleaned myself up, unchained the tractor and moved it forward about a foot. Loading properly can be a game of inches


Lifetime Member

B2400HSD/47 John Deere Model M
Apr 14, 2015
I double carry 3 Pt equipment all the time, sometime especially with the cutter it is more a matter of fitting everything on the trailer. The cutter will usually takes up so much room at the front that I can't get the tractor with anything else on the trailer due to the ramps sticking up. Just so happens the tail wheel will fit between the ramps and over the beavertail of the trailer so that it allows room up front and still gives me enough room to move the weight enough to get it safe to haul.

Will sometimes have to load the first piece and then turn it sideways to fit then chain everything down. Sometimes some part of the equipment hitch is sticking forward over the trailer tongue a bit, whatever needs to happen to make it work safely. I pull a short distance on the Interstate and never had an issue with LEO stopping me. I keep a lot of sections of chain and binders, I still want to weld some more tie downs to the trailer for more options.

Daren Todd

Well-known member
Lifetime Member

Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
I sometimes expect that :
"getting the occasional 1 finger solute "

then again - I try to get the hell outta those peoples way by pulling off to the side, sometimes there isnt enough road!!!

What Daren said - trial and NOT a big error - I like to call it "tweaking it"!
When I'm hauling something on the trailer, the people behind me can wait to pass ;) I go a safe speed for what I'm hauling. They don't like it, "They have a life time to get over it" :D That being said, I try to be courteous to the other folks on the road. And move over to let them go by in passing lanes, and usually stay out of a hammer lane unless i need to make a left turn or exit.:)

We got some roads though around here where your passing your trailer going around the corner :eek: Those times, if I'm committed to the corner, then they better get out of the way :D


New member
Nov 26, 2013
Monroe, LA
It trial and error. Like others have said, you want some weight on the tongue of your trailer but not an excessive amount.

Here is my M6040 on my 20ft trailer with a disc and a PTO seeder laying in the front. I didn't really like hanging the disc off the trailer but I couldn't back up on the trailer being hooked to the disc and didn't really want to fool with putting the disc on the trailer with the front end loader. The axles are pretty far back on this trailer.


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