Price Check B7100


New member
Apr 3, 2016
Good morning
Driving up to see a early 80s B7100 4x4 HST w/ roughly 2000 hours
FEL, Mower, Tiller, and forks $7000 obo

I understand the size limitations of these smaller tractors but only have 2 acres, most work will be tilling, mowing, leveling with some FEL work
he works at a dealership but the tractor is his Private Party
But he has not owned it long, maybe a consignment?

Reviews online seem to be positive for this series

Thank You



Staff member
Lifetime Member

BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA
Lets talk about these series of tractors.....

one word ---- almost-bullet-proof!!!!

I have two:) (Come on D2- fire away!:D:)) And the more that I look at them and "play" with them- the more they amaze me. From the cutting decks to the engine.....awesome machines.

In my opinion the machine is not worth that....but, changing my mind, the FEL, that should add $1500 -$2000.....the tiller is a huge plus - up there too in price, the deck if in good shape is another $1000-$1500. The forks a little more.

So the tractor is really selling for something like $4000 or less - which is a good deal.

Here are some things to inspect.......first look at the MMM pto shaft - look at it where it meet the tractor and the deck, remove it if you can.....

next - the oil pressure is a "bad" thing on these earlier machines - if you look up oil pressure loss due to camshaft plug you will understand. This may or may not be a problem with your machine.

Make sure you test the four wheel drive system -
There is NO water pump on these machines - the radiator must be clean INSIDE and OUTSIDE to work well, trust me on this......

looking at the picture again - those wheel weights are not cheap either - that in itself is a huge plus.

2000 hours is not bad at all - depending on fluid changes and all that good stuff.......

can you shoot some more pictures up close?

I would say buy it for sure - offer less and work your way up to the point where is fits your needs. I think you will be happy as a pig in slop if there are no hidden problems....

these machines are simply amaZing ......I think of all the machines that are talked about here on OTT - it is probably the 2nd most one talked about, and I dont really mean problems - just people wanting to work on them more and more.....including me!;):D:)


New member
Apr 3, 2016
WOW Thank you for the info
The add says it comes with a rotary mower which I assumed was a rear PTO mower, and not a MMM
I would prefer the rear PTO one

I will look into oil pressure issue on B7100

In these parts it seems any tractor with FEL goes for 5500 ish alone
Driving 2.5 hours tomorrow to see it, hope it all looks good


Staff member
Lifetime Member

BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA
WOW Thank you for the info
The add says it comes with a rotary mower which I assumed was a rear PTO mower, and not a MMM
I would prefer the rear PTO one

I will look into oil pressure issue on B7100

In these parts it seems any tractor with FEL goes for 5500 ish alone
Driving 2.5 hours tomorrow to see it, hope it all looks good
Take a lot of pictures whether you buy it or not, dont let the hours fool you ....... BUT do see IF the hour meter works........I have a new to me one , and the meter stopped working at 1850....and I have no idea if that was 1 hour ago or 1000 hours ago......

when you start it - glow the plugs for a good 20 seconds.......then hit it with about 1/2 is gonna smoke, the smoke should quit after about 10-20 seconds......longer is not good.

take you cash - show him 62 of them C-notes and add slowly too it !

Tell us how you make out - we all love those pictures!

good luck....


New member
Apr 3, 2016
I will...
I figure the best way to test if 4wd works is to lift front off ground with FEL and slowly go in reverse to see if the tires spin when engaged? Any other options?

Will inspect oit to see if it is cloudy (Water getting in it)
Look at radiator for oil in water

Make sure it doesn't smoke after warm
Should I remove oil cap while running to check for blow by? This is a new one to me As you can tell this would be my first tractor



Mar 4, 2016
Lancaster Ohio
with all the attachments it seems like a good price, bare bones around here, they can be had for 2-4000. i have an early gear drive, literally abused most of its life, runs great still, several thousand hours, finally needs a pilot bearing , other then that normal maintenance.


New member
Apr 3, 2016
Drove up 2 hours and saw it.... it was rough
Pictures did it a lot of justice. Tires were cracked, FEL was really slow... I mean really slow on some movements

Smoked more than I thought it should once warm, nice size unit for what I want, would easily pay 6,500-7 for the unit if clean First time I have seen a 7100 so nice to know if another comes available it is in the range of what I want

Maybe I missed out but the overall condition was not what I expected. Thought about a low ball offer, but then realized there were things right off the bat I would have to diagnose and that is not where I want to be.

Thank you for all the info, definitely liked the 7100 just need one in better shape


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Patience reduces grief. Since your gut feeling was "not what I expected/wanted with repairs involved" you made a good decision. You will be even better prepared on future inspections!



1977 B7100DT w/B219 FEL
Jan 27, 2016
Neenah, WI
I purchased a 1977, B7100, gear drive with FEL in early February. It had 2200 hours on it, but hourmeter is not working. I paid $4800 for it, which seemed to be about the going rate with all the research I did. Besides fluid and filter changes, the tractor is in good condition. These tractors are built like small tanks!!



Staff member
Lifetime Member

BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA
Patience reduces grief. Since your gut feeling was "not what I expected/wanted with repairs involved" you made a good decision. You will be even better prepared on future inspections!

I agree - the little guy on the left shoulder is saying "hell-yeah buy it:D" - the other guy we call "gut instinct" - says.....naw - this feeling "aint right;)"

You did the right thing - Like D2Cat said - you now have more knowledge as to what to look for next time.:)


New member
Apr 3, 2016
your info for a new guy has been awesome Cant thank you enough

It felt good like a yanmar 1510 i tried a bit ago
Great size and power for what I need, don't know if I'll end up orange but if I do great to know there is a community to go to for questions


New member

B7100DT (sold) - Branson 3520H
Feb 1, 2013
Deer Park, WA
For what it's worth, when I bought my first tractor (80's B7100d of course), it sat for years in the northwest elements, often buried in the snow & neglected. I bought it for $1,900 and learned about tractors while fixing it up. The brute just needed a few things replaced and it served me very well. It also taught me a lot and it will always be a special machine. I ended up selling it with a 4' KK tiller, new bucket, new hydraulic controller, hoses, pump, pair of cylinders, consumables (seals, gaskets, etc), ROPS, cheap box blade and custom "tusks" for logging for $7,000. Sold it in 3 hrs after listing it.

If you get around to it, focus on ensuring that the engine & drivetrain is good. The rest is easy if you're mechanically inclined, or at least willing to learn as it was in my case.

The guys are right, the B7100's are stout lil' mules!

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