Well the OL has been on me to change plugs and wires cap and rotor in her Durango,,, OK got everything plugs did need changcd wire on the floor, on to the rotor cap,, which in the BACK of the motor against the freekin fire wall... OK those little freekin screws are rusted in place,,, LPS the shit out of them,, let them sit,,,, one came out tight but out,,, the other broke off right at the base of the distributor base plate,, So yes I have a broken screw in the plate,, and no theres no way I can get the distributor out with out taking more of the shit off under the hood,, And theres not a lot of room for my fat ass under there,, So anybody have an idea how to get this freekin thing out,, theres not enough room for a drill motor,, some days i just want to screeeeeeeeeem
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