A few days ago mid Michigan was slammed with 18-22" of snow. I was trying to clear out the driveway of the house we just bought because I had a delivery coming. It was wet and slippery under all that snow. I went to back up to reposition my little snow plow rig (a 99 Durango) and I couldn't stop, I just slid down the hill and into the deep snow. That was it, no matter what I did the "green blob" was done. So, out comes the tractor. I got stuck three times trying to get from the barn to the driveway but I made it. After a few tries at different angles plus fighting the wet icy driveway and using the bucket to help me move around I was able to jerk the blob out far enough to get it moving. I finished the drive, did the road out to the main road and even helped an ambulance get to a call down past my house. The 'bota really did save the day, in more ways than one....
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