Anybody remember?


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
For some ungawdly reason this morning the OL and I were discussing the what if's of the Christmas season and the celebration of the New Year. It went kind of like,, what if, some far out radicalized persons released a nerve toxin in a mall setting, or in Times Square on new years eve. Or worse what if,,,, same said crazys released some sort of virus or infected some of their followers with some thing say like small pox or some other crazy desiese like this andthey walked around touching everything they could and all the people they could,, how horrific that would be! Now both of us are of the age when we got all our shots in and after school and me when I joined the canoe club and wound up on the rivers,,,
Any way I started to wonder, what the shots we got back in boot and before deployment were and just how long they were good for. I know a silly thing to think of at this time of peace and brotherly love from one to all,, coff coff coff!
Anybody remember or know?
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BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA
Or a water supply.....there are endless ways to be the bad guy.......

Really makes you wonder - the power of "man" to convince some other "man" to do a horrific thing to hurt someone or thousands. All in the name of ....well - lets not open pandora's box with this one. Too many sensitive people here to upset the apple cart.

One's FAITH in the almighty is one thing and natural born, but two things we are ALL born without......racism and religion - both ideals are taught by our surroundings, all the good and all the bad. And sometimes the bad is reallll bad, yet people look that the small group of people that are really bad and then place the stigma on the "same" group of people that have nothing to do with the bad - and then due to their misinformation blame the "good" group for the bad groups misinterpretation of what was taught or said.

It is a shame in THIS country that we allows ourselves to think superior to other factions or groups of people - specially those who have been around a lot longer than this fantastic place we call home. And Skeets - for all of our sake's - I hope the so called bad people stay the hell away.
And all of us have a safe and peaceful holiday season.:) Ya'll do have a great one!:)


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L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
Skeets, I missed the boot camp thing, :D, so don't know what you guys got. How long a vaccination keeps your antibody titer up is highly variable. Depends both on the vaccine and the person's immune system. If you haven't been revaccinated recently for the standard things, you could ask your doc about it. Mine on hearing about the horses always checks for tetanus for me. I think it is good for about 10 years. If you got the non standard ones for deployment like yellow fever , you'd probably have to be revaccinated, or you could get your titer checked. I got an experimental rabies vaccine when I worked for the vet school, and can get titer checked if I want to. It seems to last well, but I avoid mad dogs just in case :D

As for neurotoxins...just keep hoping for no crazies in your neighborhood.

Daren Todd

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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Skeets, if I remember right. When I went in way back when, I believe the count was 21 shots :eek: 10 in each arm with the injection guns and a shot of good ol pennisilin in the keister. Not sure what I was vaccinated for though. We got the stand in line and get the shots. When we asked what it was for, we were told to shut our traps. Good ol uncle Sam decided we needed these shots and by golly you are gonna get them :rolleyes: If you had a pennicillin allergy, you were told to go get a pill instead of the shot in the butt. so having that allergy that's the only one I remember. I'll ask my son, since it's only been a few years for him and see if he remembers. Or better yet, I'll ask his girlfriend when she's here for dinner friday. She's a medic in the gaurd, so she has probably gone over what they vaccinate for.

As far as needing to be vaccinated again, that's a pretty good question. I would love to know the answer :)


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May 14, 2014
Atascadero, CA
Well, these thugs all live off of fear. If you do the best you can to prepare for whatever may be, you should be sleeping fine at night and not give them any power to them for their fear tactics.

If you pass on, you pass on. It might be painful, tragic or downright scary, but don't give in to the fear. It's okay to be afraid, but does it motivate you or paralyze you?

If it motivates you to improve yourself, have greater love and faith in your family, friends and neighbors, then the thugs lose. The issue we are having now is that our nation is being paralyzed by fear, not moved to greater self reliance and charity.

If they blow something up, it should be rebuilt a year later, better and stronger than before. If they kill 10,000 call for more parents to step forward and bring back 30,000 youngsters to fill the loss. For every evil move they make, you counter with good and at greater power. We become stronger, they look more like what they are: evil thugs.

The founders of this nation believed in a power greater than themselves. They were correct in their vision of a nation greater than they could see. Why we continually let ourselves fall to doubt and letting others bear our burdens is one of my foremost concerns about the future of this nation. Trust the founders vision, trust ourselves, and move into the future with planning, drive and dedication to a greater USA by becoming greater in our lives. After all, the only thing we can control is ourselves.


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
My friends, I don't worry about it.. It's the what if's, for the innocents that make me think. And the loss that might be incurred would be terrible were it to happen.
I feel that the good Lord hasnt taken me yet because I have something yet to do, if only to serve as an example of what not to do in life.
Still, it's thought provoking to think how many of our children are no longer protected from these things as common as hooping cough or measles


New member
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May 14, 2014
Atascadero, CA
My friends, I don't worry about it.. It's the what if's, for the innocents that make me think. And the loss that might be incurred would be terrible were it to happen.
I feel that the good Lord hasnt taken me yet because I have something yet to do, if only to serve as an example of what not to do in life.
Still, it's thought provoking to think how many of our children are no longer protected from these things as common as hooping cough or measles

Oddly Skeets, there's a fundamental logic to that 'feeling'.

If you are a good person you do good things, therefore, the longer you live the greater good is done.

If you are a person of dubious character and ill intent, your life is the sum total of misery you feel and inflict upon others. Leaving this world is the greatest good that most in this category ever do in their lives. (Some change and become a force for good, but sadly it's rare.)

So, yes, the Lord always has more good for those that know and do good, to do... until it's time he says 'Well done.'


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L1501,home built carry all, mini plow blade.
May 13, 2014
Lac Du Bonnet, Manitoba,Canada
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Is that right?
I help those that i perceive to be in need.
A pull out of the ditch with my trusty tow strap, fix a flat on some backroad or plow a neighbor's driveway.
Had a truckload of firewood my best frind and i were giving to a friend, some guy offered to buy it.
Said no. Its going to someone that needs it.
Guy thought we were stupid, giving something away that we could sell.
Ok, im stupid.

Christmas isnt the only time for giving.

Those that do harm to others need not be recognized, for they want the attention that they do not deserve.
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Daren Todd

Well-known member
Lifetime Member

Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
I released some nerve gas last week, on the elevator up, to donate blood, at the RC. Whole carload, cept me got off before the 10th floor...:D:D
After reading what you srote, i wasn't sure if I wanted to watch the video :eek:

Speaking of elevators reminded me of something my grandfather, brother and I did in the hospital elevator when we were kids :rolleyes: elevator was full of old lady's plus us. We were fixing to go down. As soon as the elevator started to move, the three of us jumped :D Bought gave all those old lady's heart attacks :p:):rolleyes:


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ

My dad was like you. His motto after teaching me many of his talents was,

"We do because we can."

The "why" became obvious to me after the first couple efforts to help others.

Merry Christmas to all....



New member

working on BX1870-1
Oct 30, 2015
Millville, NJ
The one I remember getting was the Anthrax vaccine. I don't think it was 20 shots, but one a month for 6 months straight or something like that. It's been a good 10 years or so.
For some ungawdly reason this morning the OL and I were discussing the what if's of the Christmas season and the celebration of the New Year. It went kind of like,, what if, some far out radicalized persons released a nerve toxin in a mall setting, or in Times Square on new years eve. Or worse what if,,,, same said crazys released some sort of virus or infected some of their followers with some thing say like small pox or some other crazy desiese like this andthey walked around touching everything they could and all the people they could,, how horrific that would be! Now both of us are of the age when we got all our shots in and after school and me when I joined the canoe club and wound up on the rivers,,,
Any way I started to wonder, what the shots we got back in boot and before deployment were and just how long they were good for. I know a silly thing to think of at this time of peace and brotherly love from one to all,, coff coff coff!
Anybody remember or know?
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