motmow,, its your machine so you do as you please. Roll overs can and do happen even in the most unlikely of places. Since you have modified the ROPS, the company KUBOTA has no responsibilities in compensation should something happen to you or a loved one. What I think is that many people, and Im not suggesting that you are one of them, have a very limited understanding of the ROPS. Its not just a hunk of tubing that's bent over your head for looks.
They are highly engineered pieces of safety equipment, tested and each one or any mod done to them has to be approved by a PE. And they aint gona put their name on the dotted line if its not safe. Nor will a company open them selves to any sort or product liability if its not safe. At least not intentionally anyway. I only bring this to light as I have for most of my adult life enforced federal health and safety regulations. and it make my anal orifice PUCKER when I hear these kinds of thing,, like hearing,,,, it cant happen to me,, Sadly over 35 years, I have investigated too many fatal accidents where the ROPS has been modified in some way, I pray no one ever has to do this for you
So ends the morning gospel according to St. skeets ,