If you own a gun!


New member

L245DT FEL, JD450 Track loader, 5' scrape blade&mower, 5x10 trailer, Dump truck
Apr 22, 2009
Stockbridge, Ga. USA
That is the best the pandering bed wetters can do...........make accusations. They can't defend a country yet they stand in the way of anyone else who defends their rights to run their mouths. :mad: :mad: :mad:
Without guns this country would never have been formed to grant the right for extreamest individuals to run their pathetic agenda's freely.

I don't think the anti-gunners are American!!!


Active member

Kubota 2410, RC60-24B, FL1000- kubota hydrolic front snow blade- plug aerator
Sep 10, 2009
Rising Sun, MD
Guys and gals for what it is worth.... pres Obama is going to ayyend an international meeting to discuss a treaty. This one is hitting home and is not even on the radar yet.

It is a treaty to control 'small arms'. What this means is what ever the international community (made up of those in the NATO alliance that wish to participate) comes up with and Mr. Obama agrees to, will come up before our illustrious Congress to vote on as a treaty. If, whatever, passes thay means Congress will be bound by our Constitition to promogulate laws to enforce the treaty.

Folks, this is what we have to watch for.... back door polotics.... Butch

PS.... my personal weapons are as secure as the last breath I take.... and that ain't bullshit!


New member

L3410 GST, FEL, Bush Hog, Box Scrape, Spreader
Nov 6, 2009
Snellville, Ga. USA
Guys and gals for what it is worth.... pres Obama is going to ayyend an international meeting to discuss a treaty. This one is hitting home and is not even on the radar yet.

It is a treaty to control 'small arms'. What this means is what ever the international community (made up of those in the NATO alliance that wish to participate) comes up with and Mr. Obama agrees to, will come up before our illustrious Congress to vote on as a treaty. If, whatever, passes thay means Congress will be bound by our Constitition to promogulate laws to enforce the treaty.

Folks, this is what we have to watch for.... back door polotics.... Butch

PS.... my personal weapons are as secure as the last breath I take.... and that ain't bullshit!
I've been thinking we are headed for another civil war, and that would certainly send it over the top. I have friends with armored tanks and more firepower than some small countries, and that ain't no bullshit.


New member

L245DT FEL, JD450 Track loader, 5' scrape blade&mower, 5x10 trailer, Dump truck
Apr 22, 2009
Stockbridge, Ga. USA
A man I work with says that he stands behind his guns. If the govt wants to take them away then they can have them.......................one bullet at a time!

LOL :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I like that. :D


Active member

Kubota 2410, RC60-24B, FL1000- kubota hydrolic front snow blade- plug aerator
Sep 10, 2009
Rising Sun, MD
Guys... I can't believe I was so pissed that I could not even spell, however the message got out loud and clear.

Given what I used to do for a living and even thinking that the government would even think of attempting to undermine the last defense of or homes and families in the name of curbing violence just blows my mind.

I have a family member that damn near shot down a gov't gyspsy moth contract crop duster in the weeks just after 9-11. He had the county sheriff's office on the phone telling them one more pass and he'd be history when a state police officer pulled in his driveway calling for him to stand down. NO CHARGES WERE FILED.

He had a 50 cal. Muzzy locked and loaded and the scope doped.



New member
Feb 17, 2009
Mountforest Ontario
In Canada we have strict gun laws. But if you have not been convicted of a crime involving violence, and you get the right training as to handling and using safely, then you have no problem buying a gun or guns. Hand guns are treated differently than long guns. Much much stricter rules as far as purchase, license, storage. In the country here most people have at least one gun if only for groundhogs. I think most people here don't really look at them as protection. In my 53yrs I have only had a gun pulled on me once, that was more than enough. I haven't owned a gun for almost twenty years. But if I wanted one it is a very short training procedure to get one. Or I could get one illegally in a heartbeat. Bottom line, I am happy with the rules here, in the area where I live. If the shit hit the fan I might change my mind in a hurry. And yes I believe you and I have the right to defend our families and homes, by any means. Dusty


Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
If the goverment was to ban guns from being owned by private citizens then the only ones that would have them would be the criminals. How many criminals do you know or have ever heard of that care if their guns are legal or not.

If you don't like guns that's fine with me but in the same sense the gun hater should respect my rights to own one if I want to. They need to quit acting like a ostrich and get their head out of their ass. It's a free country, if they don't like being around guns and gun owners then they should simply pack their stuff and move. They may like living in a place where the government controls everything that you do and where your opinion doesn't matter.

American Express says to never leave home without it.

I think it sounds better like this, 40 Smith, Never Leave Home Without It.

Will In Tx

New member

L3400 HST/FEL, Box Blade, RTV 900 Camo, ZD323 Zreo Turn Pro Mower + More
Mar 21, 2010
Rosharon, TX. USA
If the goverment was to ban guns from being owned by private citizens then the only ones that would have them would be the criminals. How many criminals do you know or have ever heard of that care if their guns are legal or not.

If you don't like guns that's fine with me but in the same sense the gun hater should respect my rights to own one if I want to. They need to quit acting like a ostrich and get their head out of their ass. It's a free country, if they don't like being around guns and gun owners then they should simply pack their stuff and move. They may like living in a place where the government controls everything that you do and where your opinion doesn't matter.

American Express says to never leave home without it.

I think it sounds better like this, 40 Smith, Never Leave Home Without It.
Don't get me started Bulldog!
44 Long Colt here.....


Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
Hi Will,

I just used the 40 ref. just because it sounded good. I carry for the situation at hand. Some times I can't make my mind up which one to take so I may take two or three with me. I hope I won't need to use them but I damn sure want to be prepared if I do need them. I don't want to run out of fire power for sure.


Active member

Kubota 2410, RC60-24B, FL1000- kubota hydrolic front snow blade- plug aerator
Sep 10, 2009
Rising Sun, MD
Me.... a 40 cal Beretta side arm and a 223 Remmington 700 heavy barrel with a Leopold sniper scope. The rifle has been reworked with a Douglas Flutted Barrel and supressor. It is bedded in a light weight composite stock with a comfort grip thumb hole. It puts new meaning the the phrase, "Reach out and Touch":D.

I do my own loading and the hardware is Hornaday rounds loaded hot.


Green Mountain Slim


Kubota B8200, Kioti C2610 Cab, BX1500, B7100 (kinda)
Feb 23, 2010
Morrisville, Vermont
I'll just say that I have never seen much use for a gun...
that was under powered. :D

And they get lonely too, so the more the merrier.

Has anyone seen my grenade launcher?? LOL