Not vital. Typical recommended speed is 540 RPM at the PTO. I will run it a little faster some times, but not often. I will also run it a little slower depending on the situation. If the PTO is to slow for the tractor travel speed you will get an inferior and uneven cut.How important is blade tip speed for a rotary cutter.
It's not unreasonable to believe the faster the tip speed, the better the cut. Let's say you are looking at a 7' cutter. Models may vary by 2000 rpm +/- in tip speed. If all are 540 input with the same size blades, only difference could be the gear box ratio.How important is blade tip speed for a rotary cutter.
I'll give you this example from my own cutters.
My Bushhog SQ600 has a tip speed of 12,469 fpm.
My Bushhog 3008 tip speed is 16,345 fpm.
My Bush Whacker T180 tip speed is 16,768 fpm.
Aside from how sharp the blades are there is no real difference in cut quality between the 3008 and the T180. However the difference between these 2 and the SQ600 is like night and day. It's not that the SQ600 cuts bad, it just simply doesn't have the same cut quality of the others. All are driven by 540 pto and if you want to throw deck size in the SQ600 is 5', the T180 is three 5' decks combined and the 3008 is more or less two 4' decks in one.
So, is blade tip speed important? If you want a high quality cut, then the blade tip speed is one of the single most important things about a rotary cutter. if you want to see the difference for yourself cut a few passes with your cutter at the rated pto speed then drop it down to about 1500 rpm's for a few passes. You'll have your own side by side comparison to look at. The only difference between the 2 is the tip speed has changed and I'll bet the slower speed isn't as good as the faster one.