I picked up a 6.5 foot Meyers snowplow. I already have a snowblower for the lil 'bota. Would it be worth fabricating mounts for either my front quick mount or the 3pt? Debating if I would really use it.....
I didn't say a plow was "a plow is only good for 1 or 2 inch's of snow", I said it was faster than a blower in that much.I was thinking the same thing that might be more plow than the BX can handle, but have to disagree with the post stating that a plow is only good for 1 or 2 inch's of snow? You have the right plow on that tractor and it can be a very useful snow moving machine.
Scrap, Heck just sell that big bulky blade and buy the right one, and still have $$ in your pocket!im big on repurposing things that would otherwise be scrapped.