I'm ready to change only the transmission filter on a B-2650. If I plug the transmission breather tube, how much hydraulic fluid should I expect to loose in the process?
Exactly!! I never could understand why someone would spend all that money on a new tractor and change only the filters and not the oil.Though I could get by with just a transmission filter change. Wrong. The transmission filter, the one facing driver left came off without incident however the HST filter facing forward on drivers right opened up the system and it gushed out. I managed to attach the new filter but had lost at least three quarts into my collection pan. After only 45 hours on the new engine the hydraulic oil was a dirty brown color and I noticed after taking the pan in full sunlight many very small metal flakes suspended in the oil. Even though the owners manual does not insist on a 50 hour change of hydraulic fluids, only the filters on a B 2650 I decided to change the 4 gallons.
I was able to put a pan under the new HST filter and unscrew it slowly to allow almost a complete drain of the system. Leaving the filter partially in place forced the oil to drain straight down into the pan with no splatter or mess. The balance of oil, less than a quart came out through the two bottom drain plugs and was very manageable.
Bottom line here is change engine, transmission, HST oils and filters regardless of what the maintenance schedule shows at 50 hours. It won't hurt a thing and it's not that difficult to do yourself.
While mine was still under warranty, I bought all my parts at the Kubota dealer and kept the receipts.Rotella T Engine oil, $18.00. Filters, NAPA gold, $45.00. Hydraulic oil, NAPA $58.00. The whole do it your self project around $125.00.
I tend to agree with Dan - a whole lot of folks here have said the HST is much quieter with the SUDT...While mine was still under warranty, I bought all my parts at the Kubota dealer and kept the receipts.
Maybe you saved a couple of bucks versus using Kubota parts and SUDT but you also may have, ahh, voided your warranty there.
If it were me- I'd head down to the dealer, smile and tell them how proud you are of the little machine and how you are looking forward to doing this first service yourself. Ask them how much, if any, fluid you might lose.
Buy the proper Kubota materials and do it for the first time all over again.
I save the NAPA filters for the Craftsman.