I have a new 2370 kubotaBX with front loader. I was moving some dirt around the other day & noticed the back end was light & springy with the bucket loaded. I was wondering if someone knows where I might find a rear ballest box that would fit my 3-point hitch. I could then add weight as needed to offset the front loader weight & better balance the tractor. this would also give better traction to the rear tires when moving the loaded bucket. I used a friends BX25 with a bucket & backhoe on it & it was very solid on the ground with the front loader loaded. I figured that was due to the 600lbs of rear ballest the backhoe added. Your thoughts are much appreciated as I will be moving about 10 triaxels of dirt in the spring around my new pole barn I am building for the kubota to rest in. I would like to be a little more comfortable moving the dirt than i am right now!