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  1. F

    2004 L4330 no engine power? Won't drive!

    Why do I get the feeling this a dry clutch tractor with a clutch (and/or pedal adjustment) problem? Maybe I'm wrong, so if you mention which transmission your tractor has you might get some more definitive suggestions.
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    M9540 no drive

    Okay, you have the manual. I'm no expert on this model by any means, but I can find my way around/through a manual if I have one. As I see it, the shuttle valve is supplied from power steering return flow. Do you have steering? Do you have PTO? All of that runs off the steering pump section...
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    M9540 no drive

    Assuming you're working with a service manual, I wonder what sort of trouble shooting you did before tearing it apart?
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    I don't know what a TS125 is, as I don't believe they made one. If you're considering a TS125A, I strongly suggest you pass on that and stick with a Kubota. An M9000 will give you far better service down the road. No comment on the MX135. I don't know that tractor, but suspect it's a...
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    Have you checked your PM inbox?
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    I'd start by testing the shuttle switch. Maybe it's not sending a signal to the "forward" circuit. The indicator shows R in reverse? It shows N in neutral? Still shows N in forward?
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    Zd28 electrical/starting issue

    You have 11 volts at the spade on the starter. Is this both hot (when not cranking fast enough) and cold (when it does start)? Have you tried applying battery voltage directly to the spade when it's hot and see what happens?
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    M108x 4x4 not engaging

    It was the first thing I thought of. When you read his question what was the first thing you thought of?
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    M108x 4x4 not engaging

    Why would you come here looking for help before sliding the shields back and looking at the drive shaft couplings? The number one culprit in such cases.
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    7060 Rear Axle

    The axle splines don't go into the differential. They go into the planetary carrier. Use (or misuse) of the dif lock shouldn't affect anything out there. I think your dealer is blowing smoke at you.
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    Daily Chuckle

    No bets. The California bird just has more gold in the price tag. The bird is no better.
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    Kubota L4150 Orbital Unit

    Just guessing but that might be what most of us would call a power steering valve? If that's the case, why do you feel the need to replace it? They are not prone to failure very often.
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    loader blade issue

    Leave the loader on the ground. Raise the blade full up and shut the engine off. Don't touch anything else. Does the blade drop to the ground? If so you must have a pretty bad leak in the three point lift cylinder or a related circuit.
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    M6040 synchro shuttle question

    Well, no need for more guessing. I was down to the tractor today and determined there is no adjustment that will fix this problem. I was able to drive it around for a while and after about ten minutes of careful back and forth operation the problem reared it's head. At first it seemed perfectly...
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    M6040 synchro shuttle question

    The problem with this particular unit (as it was explained to me) goes something like this. The tractor has a loader, is used for farm chores, hay machinery, field mowing, that sort of thing. Recently it has developed this condition where the shuttle lever supposedly won't fully engage in...
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    M6040 synchro shuttle question

    Yes, that's what I'm dealing with. Strictly mechanical. As previously stated, I'm hoping for some feedback on how these hold up as compared to conventional sychronizers with the facing lined rings? I have never seen this before and am curious what experiences others have had with them? I'm sure...
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    M6040 synchro shuttle question

    I guess I didn't quite make it clear enough. This tractor does NOT have a power shuttle. It has what is called a SYNCHRO shuttle. At least that's what Kubota chooses to call it. I wasn't aware there was design such as this. Many synchronized shuttles out there on many brands of tractors. (I've...
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    M6040 synchro shuttle question

    I guess we're not quite on the same page here. It's called a "synchro shuttle", as opposed to a power shuttle. It has a dry clutch, and a mechanical shuttle. It's just not a synchronizer. It's actually clutch discs and plates.
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    M6040 synchro shuttle question

    I had some questions asked of me today concerning what I believe to be a shuttle problem on this tractor. Having never been into one I started doing some research and concluded that it's actually "synchro" in name only. It has dual wet clutch packs mechanically engaged in place of a...
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    Ts100 PTO stopping

    The solenoid is on the PTO valve, which is inside the tractor. There are two wires on it. (power and ground) They come out of the main housing through a rubber bushing type thing as I recall. It's been too long since I worked on one. The second diagram shows the basic locations of the PTO...