I've been using this Pyralid.
Pyralid Herbicide is for the control of perennial and annual broadleaved weeds in field crops, Christmas tree plantations, pasture, rangeland, vegetable and fruit crops, and non-cropland. Registered Crops: Wheat (spring) Barley and Oats, Oilseeds, Grasses, Non-crop, Rangeland, Strawberries, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli, and Others (see label). Weeds and Rates: 0.504 L/ha-Canada Thistle (top Growth), Vetch, Alsike Clover 0.672 L/ha-Canada Thistle, Scentless Chamomile, Wild Buckwheat, Perennial Sow Thistle, Common Groundsel, Volunteer Alfalfa, Common Ragweed. 0.996 L/ha-Canada Thistle (season long control with reduction in population the following year) Packaging: Case: 4 x 4.45 L 1 case treats 88 acres at 0.504l/ha 22 acres per jug 1 case treats 66 acres at 0.672l/ha 16.5 acres per jug 1 case treats 44.7 acres at 0.996l/ha 11.2 acres per jug Tank Mixes: Glyphosate, Clethodim, Odyssey, MCPA Amine or Ester, 2,4-D Amine or Ester, Tralkoxydim, Assure II, Yuma Assert, Axial, Clodinafop, Everest, Fenoxaprop, Flurasulam, Refine Extra, Poast Ultra, Pursuit, Fluroxypyr, Solo, Muster. Water Volume: Ground: 10 GPA or 45 litres / acre for optimum control. Do not Aerial apply. Storage: Store in heated storage; If frozen warm product and agitate. Rainfast: May be up to 8 hours depending on tank mix partner Grazing: May be grazed immediately