Sounds like a bizarre machine. I look forward to chatting with my Dad re: this tr9tor as it would interest him.
How would you trouble shoot buddies no start problem?
Needed some more info from him. IE: Is it turning over?
I've had my L1801 since Aug 2 and am really happy with it. Use to take me almost 7 hours to mow our 5 acres. Now I'm down to roughly 2.
Changed out all fluids but the coolant. Doing fuel filter early next week.
How would you trouble shoot buddies no start problem?
Needed some more info from him. IE: Is it turning over?
I've had my L1801 since Aug 2 and am really happy with it. Use to take me almost 7 hours to mow our 5 acres. Now I'm down to roughly 2.
Changed out all fluids but the coolant. Doing fuel filter early next week.