Green Mountain Slim Bulldog Green Mountain Slim wrote on Bulldog's profile.
Well, I have two leaking connectors on two of the hoses, but it still does a little work as needed.I've been so busy I haven't had time to play like I wanted to. For instance I have at least three appointments this week of my own, and the first is tomorrow at a doctor's office 30 miles away. I'm involved in a problem with a neighbor who thinks he can drive me out of "His" neighborhood by convincing some of the other bastard neighbors to report me for noise ordinance violations for my rooster's crowing. Too bad he doesn't realize he's setting himself and his cohorts up for a wicked harassment law suit. I live in an area "zoned" for Rural Residential Agricultural and I've done the best I can to keep my roosters quiet till later in the day even though I don't have to. Then last week a market in the neighboring town made the big mistake of pissing me off and they will be getting an inquiry from the State about their practices.