New profile posts

Your boat is a beast.
Does the tractor ever struggle moving that much weight?
I like the way you routed the exhaust, will explore that.
Can i get your dealers number i need a new pump mine cracked complete blowing out the side wall of the pump
How have you been doing? Over the past few months I changed the trans filter and fluid in the 4runner and it hasn't acted up again. Very strange. I still can't thank you enough for offering the help you did. When it was acting up you were the first and only person I could think of to ask for help and you responded fast and with great advice. Every day I drive I think about that, your response ment alot to me.
I as well have an 1801 with front end loader.
I am more than happy to help you with questions.
I am also accumulating part numbers for the various things I've replaced.
Best bet is email me here:
Hi vic,could you tell me what the torque is for the bolt on suction screen is for the oil pan also torque for oil pan bolts.My tractor is a L2350 Dt with D1102Ae engine.I have wsm coming and went to dealer and looked in wsm could not find torque values,thanks in advance
I guess I can hit up a local store.
I was hoping to send a few bucks your way as the site has been a great help.
I will let you know if I have trouble sourcing the part.
Thanks for the part # Vic.
Please sell me an air filter for L1801.
Do the pay pal thing, same as the cylinder head gasket you provided.
Thanks Vic
I will buy a 4 foot scraper as per your advise. My buddy works for Buhler and will be abe to get me a deal.
Will be fixing my mower deck over the winter. Hoping to strip all the paint then redo with a rock guard, the kind of stuff they use on bed liners.
Thanks for the help Michael, much appreciated.
Thank you for going out of your way and helping me with the grass fed beef information :)
At the most you can use a 5' box scraper but a 4' is the perfect size for the L1801. It does take some practice to getting really good with a box scraper. A 6' box scraper is just way to big and will having spin your tires in short order in my experience of using box scrapers. I got a 4' for my L1801 and it did a dandy job. You will be happiest with the 4 footer as it will overlap the rear tires by about a inch on each side.

To use the box scraper you need to keep adjusting the upper link to tilt the scraper back slightly and if that ends up to aggressive a half turn of the upper link and then keep trying until it pulls the material you are moving to get the desired effect.
Changed the cylinder head gasket on Monday, job went smoothly.
Changed the fuel filter and will be flushing the coolant this am.
I bought a pack of grease zerks, will be replacing all of them.
Think of it as a 3 month anniversary gift.
I am looking to purchase a box scraper.
Can my machine handle a 6 foot box scraper?
Thanks Michael.
What do people expect to hear when they live in the country. I think you should get your rooster a bull horn and let him really give them hell.
Hey, Scott~! How are you? I totally forgot about this site~ ;P
I started Motorcycle stuff early this summer and was darn busy for it. Bought about 4 or 5 bikes and repair and sold and so on. and now I have 2008 motorcycle and going to keep it for a few years... ;P I haven't used Kubota much either. Well~ soon I have to start to use a lot when it snows here again... ha ha ha...

So, How have you been? Been busy I bet?
I have posted a couple of questions and have gotten no response. Can anyone please help me identify this unit. I think it is an early to mid 70's Kubota gray market , Japanese made rice patty, 4x4, 2 cyl diesel, pto, loader. I really need a front u-joint and yoke assembly. Any help woul be greatly appreciated. I also would like to get some tubes for the tires. any recommedations? Thanks for looking!!
Well, I have two leaking connectors on two of the hoses, but it still does a little work as needed.I've been so busy I haven't had time to play like I wanted to. For instance I have at least three appointments this week of my own, and the first is tomorrow at a doctor's office 30 miles away. I'm involved in a problem with a neighbor who thinks he can drive me out of "His" neighborhood by convincing some of the other bastard neighbors to report me for noise ordinance violations for my rooster's crowing. Too bad he doesn't realize he's setting himself and his cohorts up for a wicked harassment law suit. I live in an area "zoned" for Rural Residential Agricultural and I've done the best I can to keep my roosters quiet till later in the day even though I don't have to. Then last week a market in the neighboring town made the big mistake of pissing me off and they will be getting an inquiry from the State about their practices.
what size bush hog do you have. Just got a tractor like yours with a 4 foot rotary mower. Tall grass and bermuda require 2 passes for it bogs the engine down. Do you experience this? Also, when I run across a slight hill with the exhaust on the uphill side, i loose power. Ever experience this?