Howdy! I recently purchased a used Zen-Noh, Model ZB6001FD tractor, that I was told was manufactured by Kubota back in the nineties. I am struggling to find a dealer who can supply me with accessories, i.e. bucket, auger, plow, mower, and backhoe, and of course, replacement parts. I am trying to verify year of manufacture and locate the serial number. The original nameplate showing this info is no where on the tractor and so, I was wondering if the serial # can be found anywhere else on the tractor? I also would like to get my hands on the operation and maintenance manual(s) including parts list. I am also waiting for Kubota factory customer service to get back to me on this matter. If there is anyone out there who has experience with Zen-Noh and the model I purchased that can share advice or recommendations PLEASE write me back.