Man I was sound asleep, and then started dreaming of old 50's and 60's sifi movies.
You know the ones where critters mutate due to the atomic bomb testing,,,
I laid there listening,, to that sound,, you know that sound that always played in the back ground before something happens to the actors.
DAMNED LOCUST's ( yes I know they are cicadas) good lord they started singing at dawn this morning. Furface is having a blast chasing and killing them and she hasnt eaten in a couple days so they must taste OK. Walk across the drive way and the empty shells just crunch under foot, and my poor truck looks like it went through,, well something, cause theres bug guts all over it. Oh well only every 17 years or something,,
Yall have a most safe weekend,,, and
THANK YOU to all who have served
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You know the ones where critters mutate due to the atomic bomb testing,,,
I laid there listening,, to that sound,, you know that sound that always played in the back ground before something happens to the actors.
DAMNED LOCUST's ( yes I know they are cicadas) good lord they started singing at dawn this morning. Furface is having a blast chasing and killing them and she hasnt eaten in a couple days so they must taste OK. Walk across the drive way and the empty shells just crunch under foot, and my poor truck looks like it went through,, well something, cause theres bug guts all over it. Oh well only every 17 years or something,,
Yall have a most safe weekend,,, and
THANK YOU to all who have served
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